Saturday, December 31, 2005

I've Got An Idea!!!!

Let's keep everything a fucking secret! Let's be pissed at someone and not let them know! It'll be fun! Let's have them make plans and then at the last minute (or, I'm sorry, last hour and a half) try to go to the other invites they were invited to. Yeah. There's only one gathering per holiday.


Friday, December 30, 2005

Would You Like To Dance?

Well, it's time to come home. *sigh*

I've had a great week in Florida. The place we're staying at is 5-star and has an amazingly huge pool. It's got a little river and waterfalls and is outdoor and heated. I never swam in it. But I sat next to it! That counts, right?

This trip has involved A LOT of drinking. Hell, me and the president of my company were doing shots one night until we were both all kinda shit-faced! Good times, babe!

The meetings weren't that bad (Spawn). And there was mucho free-time. Last night was the big awards ceremony. I fell asleep for a bit, but went and got my Mountain Dew "Code Red" (product placement) and was good to go.

There are a multitude of hispanics in this business and I talked to quite a few (that could speak English). Nice people. Some band played at the end of the night (they were a hispanic band) and I ended up dancing with somebody's mom (Imagine that!). It was a lot of fun.

One day, I wanted to go get some reasonbly priced beer, as a Miller Lite (more product placement) costs $5!!!! As I was walking out the door of the lobby, thinking I'd have to call a cab, the hotel staff stopped me and had someone drive me there in a big-ass Escalade. ROCKSTAR!!!!

Re: Tommy: Had a pretty ok time with him. But get this, they have a big lottery on the last day. You get one entry per every thousand you sell. It took me a minute to realize that I would have virtually no entries, as most of my orders went under Tommy's name. The fucker won a grand. And he wouldn't even share. I'm like: "Dude, I helped you get entered in the fucking drawing, can't you even slip me a hundred?" That fucking asshole. Here I was, thinking he was an ok guy and he totally fucks me. His reply: "That's what Andy did." Me: "You are not Andy!" Whatever. Fuck that guy.

I suppose I should start packing. Get ready for reality. Been having a great time and should start thinking about how to pay my fucking rent.

Nix says: I don't wanna pet the pony!

Friday, December 23, 2005

I Can't Believe It!

I fucking cut myself, again! During the fucking demo! So I started bleeding in front of everyone, once again. Shit! And the show sucked. I had a bunch of assholes and got zero out of seven. Fucking seven! Goddammit! I'm looking like total shit, right now. I don't even feel like going to do the show, tonight. Fuckity fuck me.

I need a mountain. I wanna climb that fucker and then just scream my head off. Work, females, assholes...fucking scream until I don't fucking care, anymore. Maybe throw some rocks about. Pull out some tufts of grass. Kick a mountain-goat, or something.

*sigh* It's ok, Timmy. Good does exist in the world. Santa Claus knows if you've been good and Jesus died for our sins. Riiiiight.

Anyone picking up on this serious bit of negativity? I didn't think so.

You know, your mother was over, last night. She gives great head. Ok, that's entirely not true. But she fucks like a pro!

Wheee!!!! Timmy!!!!! It's fun!!!!! Giggle!!!! (What a stupid word.)

Nix says: Insanity out.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Sleepless And Single

Here we go, again.

This has been weighing heavily on my mind, heart and soul for the past few weeks.

I fucking miss her.

Someday, I hope to have a wife and kids. I can't seem to find anyone who wants me, though. Perhaps it is because I'm such a fucked up entity, at this time. But will I ever be something other than what I am at this time? I need someone to help pull me out of this spiral of despair but I need to be...I dunno...different in order to find that someone. So, it's a fucked situation.

Actually, when I'm out on the road, I find many girls that are interested, but I always play the "nice guy" card. Therefore, I still haven't had sex in ages. Hell, I fell asleep with a girl holding hands. HOLDING FUCKING HANDS! I'll never see those girls again. I can't see doing something so meaningful and then just disappearing. I hate being the nice guy, but I just can't play the part of the asshole. But I guess that's what most girls are looking for.

I'm all for playing. Don't get me wrong. But I'd at least like to be able to go to a movie, go to dinner, whatever. I just don't want to fuck and then never see you, again.

I really have no idea where this is going.

Today is the office Masmas party. I have a "date". We are going as friends. No problem.

I go, now. Try to sleep.

Nix says: Darkness Falls? Oh, Christ!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Sweet Death, Please Embrace Me

Texas. It can be tolerable. Work. It can be fun.

Travel with Tommy......It's always a fucking strain on my patience.

I'm only here to try to make some money. I didn't have any shows, so I got to come along (with thanks to TJ).

We've had 4 shows. Guess who has "done" 3 of them??? If you guessed the Nix, you guessed right. I can only imagine that Tony had some sort of talk with "Little Hitler" today, trying to find out why the fuck I've been doing all of the fucking demos, today. Because if I'm doing all of them, why the fuck did Tommy have to be here, at all. I wanted this trip for my own, to begin with. But I had no idea that another office was making our appointments. And they fucking suck at making appointments. So, maybe it's better that he takes the brunt of the bullshit.

But he's treating me and TJ like shit. Letting a couple bring their 4 year-old daughter in, before shoving the show onto me and letting me deal with a hyperactive child throughout the demo. "You fucking asshole! You had no intention of doing this show, to begin with and make TJ out to be a dumbshit for trying to find out wtf is going on!! Fuck you!!!"

Needless to say, this is going to be a pointless trip, with no money made, at all. Tommy gives me the shit (and it's ALL been shit) and waits for quality and a big show-up.

Did I mention we have 2 rooms? He has one and me and TJ share one. This means that he spends his money on Chinese food and gives us $20 to share between the both of us on whatever. Also, he comes over to our fucking room, walks in and demands to know "What are you doing?". (I heard this as I was in the bathroom, getting dressed, and spent extra time until he left.)


Nix says: And we've made no money, at all. Glad he's here.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

All That Stuff

First and foremost: All That Jazz is NOT a musical. I've had many people, when told I would be reviewing this film, say: "Isn't that a musical?" No, no and no, again. It has musical numbers, but they take place in context to the film, itself. People don't just start belting out "Iiiiiii think I'll make myself a sannnnnndwich!" and such. Anyway.....

Before I begin, I think you should know a bit about the subject we'll be discussing. His name is Bob Fosse. He once said: "My friends know that to me happiness is when I am merely miserable and not suicidal."

He was considered one of the best choreographers in his day, and this film, "All That Jazz", is a thinly disguised autobiography of his life. He didn't just do dance, though. If you've ever seen the movie "Lenny", starring Dustin Hoffman , the movie of comedian Lenny Bruce's life, then you've seen a "Bob Fosse film".

The movie opens briallantly with a blaring musical cue and the title in lights. And then cuts to our "hero" coughing and hacking and starting his day. We then cut to an extensive audition scene set to an excellant rendition of "On Broadway". These show that broadway and dance isn't all glamour. That was quite striking. They're cut and composed with a style that keep it interesting and never boring. And most importantly, it sets up the character of Joe Gideon, the stand in for Mr. Fosse himself.

We also meet Jessica Lange. I've heard some refer to her as merely an angel. Sorry, folks. She's the angel of death. Which is why she loves that Gideon is a drinker, womanizer and is also a drug-addict.

Besides directing Broadway musicals, Gideon is also cutting a movie about a comedian. Hmm...See the connection, here? But it also begins to put in place an important plot device for the final reel of the film. The 5 stages of learning you're about to die. Remember this.

Gideon screws his dancers, has a girlfriend and has an ex-wife and daughter. He's so wrapped up in his job and fuck toys, though, that he never has time for his real family.

Great line of dialogue: "I just wish you weren't so generous with your cock."

Ok, aside from all the character shit, there is a lot of sexuality. Fosse's dance style was always sexual. He was involved in the original stage production of "Chicago" and directed the musical feature of "Cabaret", as well. And he was a very sexual creature. And there's a lot of flesh on display, here. However, sex is presented as pedestrian and very base. It's a vice in this story. Sex is only sexy in dance. The real focus is on the character and his relationships with those around him.

This guy smokes like a fucking champ. He always seems to have a cigarette in his mouth.

Jesus, the doctor is smoking and Gideon is smoking at the same time as the physical. WTF? Gotta love the '70's!

Ok, I have to mention this. The big event of showing the producers the musical number that Gideon has been working on. It's sexual as hell, it's a nifty song and...... that bitch from American Idol ripped this scene off, entirely. No, not Kelly Clarkson! The chick that danced with a cartoon cat! The crazy one! You know: "I'm Forever Your Girl" and other shitty songs from the past? She's a judge on AI and I can't ....PAULA ABDUL, GODDAMMIT! She had a video that totally was this scene. That fucking bitch. (But I can see why, it's a great scene!)

Sorry. I believe the chick that shows her tits in that scene went on to do some B-movies, or something. I'll have to hunt those down, as she has very nice breasts. (Ok. I just "used my brain" and figured out she's the chick from "Conan" and "Red Sonja")

We come back to the money-men. Talking about how much cash they can lose as Gideon is having open-heart surgery. Or how much they make if he dies. I see "The Producers" but not fucking funny at all.

Another musical number, but now things get weird. The almost subliminal pics and how we're entering Gideon's mind is fucked. Tragic, as well.

Actually, this leads into multiple musical numbers. And they all resonate emotionally and tie back into Gideon's life. The one where his daughter is tarted up like all the dancers he's been romancing, even as he has been grooming her to be a dancer, is especially creepy. She has the make-up and costume, but is still stumbling in trying to be a woman when she is only a girl.

Then, the last parts of the film, a brilliant display of editing, cinematography and a great way to tie everything together. I've never seen a better way of putting everything together. It's touching, yet not forced.

The final scene. Oh shit. I can't believe how unbelievable it is. It really makes you think about your life and how you want to be seen after you're gone.

Acceptance. Holy fuck. How can you not be moved by this ending? She's waiting with open arms.

This movie is a DRAMA. You have to invest yourself into the story to appreciate it. And as a drama, it is very succesful. It's beautiful, it's surreal and it's goddamn depressing. (Just ask my sister!)

I'd be a dumb-ass if I didn't mention this, as well. Roy Scheider gives a fucking great performance in this flick. He was nominated for an Academy Award, but lost to, wait, who's that? Oh! Dustin fucking Hoffman. Oh, the irony of it all!

Interestingly, in a morbid sort of way, Fosse himself died almost 10 years later of a heart attack, just as Joe Gideon does in the film.

Nix says: Break your skull to watch this film. The final number is worth it.

My Most Hated Time Of The Year

Yes, I'm a fucking Scrooge. I hate Christmas or Xmas or Masmas or whatever. Hate it. All of a sudden people start thinking: "Hmmm. Nice? Be nice? Ok, I can do that for a week or so. Hey! It's ExMas! Maybe that will make up for how shitty I've been to others for the past year!" And I hate that. Suddenly people that would prefer to spit on you, rather than say "Thank you" when you hold the door for them are practically shining your shoes in an effort to "get into the holiday spirit". Fuck off.

And also, that being said, guys, check this out (there ya go, Spawn):

How to survive your family on Christmas (by Nix)

1) Kick them in the head and tell them to fuck off. Or just roll your eyes and sigh.

2) Put Clorox in their drink and laugh as they choke and vomit blood. Or just grit your teeth.

3) Nail them to their chairs and set them on fire. Or just distract yourself watching It's A Wonderful Life for the 4,556 time.

4) Bring the spirit of Halloween to Xmas by putting razor-blades in the ham. Or just Make friends with the eggnogg.

5) Put Ecxtasy in the eggnogg and everyone will be happy and pleasant. Or just find a way to politely tell them to back the fuck off.

There ya go, friends. Hope that helps you in this most unfortunate of holidays. If I were religious, I'd go into a tirade about commercialism and all that. But I'm not religious, so I won't.

Don't forget to buy me shit!

Nix says: Seriously, I feel much better, now.

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Monday, December 12, 2005

A Witty (Idon'tevencareifthat'sspelled right) Title

I don't know where to start. Perhaps here: I'm alive. I guess you could see that as positive, if you really looked into it.

Shows sucked this weekend. I'd rather not get into it, except to say that it had nothing to do with me. I was rockin' and rollin'. We saw shit.

Nothing is resolved with my sibling. I'm wrong and she's right. And I'm so wrong for taking offense.

My trivia starts up, soon. I need a micro-cassette recorder and can't afford one. That last bitch I lived with (Not Hizz) kept it and many other things of mine.

I have to go on the road with Tommy this weekend. Fuck me and just fucking kill me, as well.

I need to put up my review of All That Jazz and I don't feel like watching anything, at all.

Yes, you guessed it. I'm drowning in a pool of depression, yet again. And, no, it's not from the shitty shows. It started earlier last week. Which is why I was trying so hard to get out of the apartment with friends. I'm sorry if I was fucked up and a shit, those that actually participated. (Quill, it's ok. It's probablly better that you didn't feel like it.)

I'd like to write some crappy poem or something, but that just makes me feel like an idiot. I don't think I'm gonna write anymore of that shit.

I'm just gonna sit here and cry for a bit, until I can't do it, anymore.

Nix says: I forgot to mention the violent yelling fit I had earlier. Thank god that's over with.

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Thursday, December 08, 2005

We Actually Did It! (Sort Of)

I'm having trouble getting the tags and pics to work properly, so you'll just have to take my word for it. I hit the top 3 at I beat that bitch Bruna Blahblah. Plain old me. Not a Malaysian hottie. Number 3, bitches! Suck it.

There's a sibling war occurring. Not funny at all.

What IS funny, is.........shit. I can't think of anything amusing. My head is fucking raging and foaming at the brain at this stupid fight that's happening. If I'm half as bad as I'm being made out to be, you might as well just fucking shoot me, 'cuz I must be a total dick.

On one side, I have my Aunt telling me to just forget it. That my mom's trip was planned a year in advance. On the other, I have my sister saying that the reason she planned it was because of me.

My mom is great at being pissed at people and holding grudges for ages. All I've done is not call her. Why? Well, how often can you hear "You need to accept Christ" "You need to go to college"? But that's not the real problem. The real issue having anything you have to say be ignored. Would you want to talk to someone that constantly treated what you cared about as shit?

I love my mom. I lost my previous job because I loved her so much. When she was having her triple fucking bypass, I asked off of work and got promptly fired. Now I'm being accused of not caring at all, and it's bull-fucking-shit.

Fuck you. Fucking fuck you. What do I offer?? I support and console you. I have always been there. Consider this: You: Crying and depressed. Me: Hugging you and holding your hand. Cousin: Telling you to go to bed. Who's the person that didn't care for you. Direct your anger elsewhere. Maybe if you thought about it, you could figure it out. I don't know why you're attacking me, but if that's what you want to do, you're seriously misguided. Fuck off.

Nix says: And yes, I expect an apology. I don't ask for one, often. But I'm terribly offended. (Sorry for the cursing, Robi) (See how much of a dick I am?)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Canada, Eh?

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When I was living in Canada, there was this guy who always followed up any story I would tell about a girl with "Did you toungue her shitter?"

I always answered "No".

I guess I never told the story where I actually DID do that. *nods head in shame* Hey, she liked it! Normally, you have to pay extra for that, Cotton.

My den is a comfy 73 degrees, right now. No, they did not fix the furnace, they just brought me a couple space-heaters and they're doing just fine.

A quick word about My sister wanted to help me out and put up one of my works on said site. After some research, I found some interesting dirt on this site. Aspiring artists: Stay the fuck away. Unless you want to pay $50 for a book only you will be able to buy, stay far, far away. I'm considering having my entry removed and getting them to stop contacting me. Do a search: " scam" and check it out. Having your shit online is ok, but these guys are ruthless. For those that are interested, here's my entry:

I of ME
by Nix

When all these faces turn to me,
My own self-worth I dimly see.
But to seek the truth inside,
I feel,
Is all too much and much too real.
The needs grow stronger and I fight,
To survive another night.
This drug, I use to try and treat,
My need to make myself complete.
Still I reach out to the sky,
But I pause to question why.
Why I couldn't stay the same,
And how I used to handle pain.
My need, my fear, my all of me,
In the end helped confine me.
And now, alone, I search this place,
But cannot fill the empty space.
I'd like to kill this beast, and then,
I'd simply try to live again.

That's about it, bitches.

Nix says: Touch it. Touch it, baby.

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Let's Make-Believe We're All The Same

First, please click here and join the experiment:
Another night of sleep! I'm on a roll, here. Dreams: I'm in a circular room and trying to figure out where to put an angular side-table. I'm fishing (and I fucking hate fishing, dammit) in a lake. I catch a fish. WTH kinda boring-ass dream is that?

When I began my last entry, I really wanted to talk about how my ex-fiance opened up the sexual floodgates and turned me into the freak that I am today.

I was pretty repressed, at the time. Clumsy and unaware. Afraid to ask for what I really wanted. Well, she changed all that. She chained me up and (I hate her for this) shaved me. I couldn't very well struggle (I kinda liked having my penis intact, thank you). All I could do was curse her. After that it was a downward spiral into depravity! (Ok, so I just got wrapped up in the whole BDSM thing. That just sounded more dramatic.)I'd always had fantasies of it, but that allowed me, somehow, to actually experience them. After that, I broke out of the whole "tie-me up" thing and into "you're gonna do what I tell you" thing.

So, I'd just like to say: "Thank you, Natalie. Thank you for opening doors that I was keeping locked. But fuck you for screwing the best-man. You bitch."

I've been watching The Tick live-action, again. I can't get over how much this series is portraying multiple-personality disorder. Yeah. I can see myself.

Have you ever actually fought yourself physically? When I saw that in Fight Club I almost shit myself. I was seeing myself up there. Bizarre. Thankfully, I'm much better, now, Dave.

OOoo! Must go. Girl online.

Nix says: Only venture outside when the sun is down. Save your retinas.

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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

You're Gonna Need A Bigger Blog

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Ok. I can't really complain about waking up at 4 in the morning, this time. I actually went to sleep at around 6 p.m.! That means I finally got more than 4 hours of sleep. Of course, that means I missed the chance to go sing karaoke. Oh well. I feel so much better. I dreamt of smoking cigarettes and at one point I was putting my entire DVD collection into the microwave. Why? I have no idea, but they sparked and melted all pretty.

I read a review of the "new and improved" King Kong (as opposed to the "old and inferior"? I think not). Sounds fantastic. Peter Jackson has wanted to make this film for ages.

This one's for Spawn: DOO DOO DOO! DOO DOODOODOO!

For some reason my heat is not functioning properly. I have hot water. I have electricity. But my little mercury thingie is not firing off the circuits, or something. I'm not a fucking technician. As soon as I have the living-room clean, I will have "Maintenance!" (I hear that from next door all the time) come and mess with it. Right now, I just wear multiple layers and smoke constantly, huddling around the cherry on my cigarette. Perhaps I should just sit in front of the oven.

For some reason, I was thinking about my ex-fiance. We're gonna call her Natalie (once again, becuase that was her name). She was a lesbian with a shaved head wearing combat boots when we first met. I believe it was at some rave (that was a LOONGG time ago, dammit). She was stomping out cigarettes and generally being aggressive. I don't know why she decided to give me a try, but our first date was a Gwar concert. Good, bloody fun. Over the years, her hair grew out, she lost weight, started wearing skirts and all. Started to physically attack me. Fucked the best man for our upcoming wedding. Yeah. I can't suggest trying to marry a converted lesbian.

What I CAN reccommend is having sex with your best-friends' lesbian mother as he (the best-friend/roommate. Just wanted to make sure noone saw that as a typo. I don't have sex with sleeping people, especially men. I never have sex with men. Oh, forget it. I know what I meant.)sleeps. But only if she wants you to, you fools. That's got to be one of the best memories I have of California. Damn. I wonder where she's at, now. I wonder if she ever told her life-partner what she had done on Mothers' Day. Hmmm....

Anyway, back to the cleaning of the den.

Nix says: How the Nix ruined Xmas. By Dr. Suess. Coming soon.

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Monday, December 05, 2005

Please, Oh Please! Not Insomnia, Again!

For the past few days I've only been able to get 2 to 4 hours of sleep and then I just toss and turn. I must admit. It's pissing me off.

So, I was just sitting here doing random BS and decided to do those stupid quiz thingies. Here's one:

"Which Movie Maniac am I?

I am Pinhead from Hellraiser
I am Pinhead from Hellraiser. I am a true sadist.
With me, destroying your body is just the
beginning. After that, we'll start working on
your soul. Valuable lessons can be learned
from my atrocities, however. Should you want
to play, all you have to do is pick up the
puzzle box. I need a hug.

Which Franchised Movie Maniac are you? Take
the quiz to find out!

Franchised Movie Maniacs Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

I guess that's ok.

Anyway, today, errrr...I mean yesterday (Sunday), I began the long, arduous task of getting my shit together here at the den. I plan on continuing throughout the week. My ultimate goal is to finally get to the "room we do not speak of". Soon, I shall have a sorta love-seat, but more like a dual recliner. I'm considering how to make that work. With all these damn book shelves, I don't think I can keep both it and the futon in the same room. But, on the off-chance that I actually DO have a moderate gathering here, I'd have no room for everyone to plant their butts. I'm creative enough to figure it out, though.

Let's take a moment to discuss cheese. Not American, or Swiss, or even Mozarella. I mean good, old-fashioned Japanese cheez. The kind you used to find on Saturday morning TV at around 11:00 (But that was before there were four or whatever 24-hour cartoon cable stations that sucked out childrens desire to wake up early watch cartoons from 6 a.m. to 11 and then watch 2 horror or sci-fi flicks in a row and then GO OUTSIDE AND FUCKING PLAY, GODDAMIT!). Godzilla, Gamera and my current subject, King Kong. Yeah, somehow they got the rights do do a couple of Kong pics back in the day. I just picked up both of them. King Kong vs Godzilla and my personal favorite, King Kong Escapes.

I don't know which one of them has the absolute worst Kong costume. I know they couldn't afford stop-motion, but couldn't they have made a face that actually looked like a fucking gorilla? Ok, now that I've thought about it, KKE has the worst looking face, but compensates BY ACTUALLY HAVING THE MOUTH MOVE! KKVG's Kong has a basically immobile face (and when it's mouth DOES move, it's in close-up of the most retarded HAND PUPPET), but compensates by actually looking a bit fierce. The KKE Kong looks like a big goofy...I dunno, but whatever it resembles it's damn goofy looking. What with the huge upper-lip thing.

Anyway, KKE is just loads of fun. It's an American/Japanese co-production. And if you've ever seen The Green Slime, you know that's always good for a few good laughs. Although it's not quite as bizarre as TGS, it's got plenty of goofy but nicely filmed monster action. Too many of the Godzilla films (and I'm one of the biggest G fans out there, people), especially the later ones, skimped on the monsters and gave us a bunch of drama. Fuck that milk. Bring on some destruction. The suprising thing is, KKE was actually filmed by the winning duo of Eiji Tsuburaya (FX) and Inoshiro Honda (director). That's the team that brought us the original Godzilla and many of it's sequels. An odd aspect to this film is that it was created to tie into the King Kong cartoon that appeared in the U.S., hence the evil character of Dr. Who (no relation to Dr. Who. That's kinda hard to explain. It's just his name. He doesn't travel time and shit, basically. He's not THAT Dr. Who. Oh, never mind).

Although Kong is supposed to be the star, you're more likely to want to see more of his nemesis: MechaKong. Yes, a giant robot Kong. It's a great design, as opposed to the "real" one. And they even seemed to have spent more time on a briefly seen T-Rex type creature (Gorosaurus, if you wanna get technical. But he hadn't been named at this time, you sticklers). He looks great!

So, I'm not actually reviewing the movie. Fuck off. Maybe some other time I'll do that, since this is actually a good start. All I gotta say, right now, is: You should watch it while you fondle your towel, paper-towel.

Nix says: Sleep eludes me even as I court it gently.

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Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Adventures Of.......

....ShitForBrains and WorthlessFuck!!!

Ok, I actually mean TJ and I (in that order, respectively). Perhaps I'll tell that story sometime.

I have just returned from my first trip wherein I was the person doing the demos. Here is the breakdown: Friday we had one show. Keep in mind that normally Tommy would throw me the demos where it was a shitty show-up because I guess it wasn't worth his time. We had 11 couples show up. Holy shit. And there were a bunch of retarded assholes in the group. One guy even had the balls to ask to see my ID to prove who I was right before the end of the show. Dick. We got one (1) sale and the couple was talking about how shit-stupid everyone else that left was. Nice.

Saturday, three shows. Our noon show had another huge show-up. 12 or 13 couples. We got maybe 2 or 3 sales. But a much better group.

Our 3 o'clock show had an absolutey AMAZING show up of a total of 5 couples. One was pointless and out the door right at the end and we sold the other 4. That was killer feel-good, baby!

And finally, our 6 o'clock had another massive show of 13 or something. Got a couple sales.

All told, I made about 14 thousand for the company. I'll soon see how my commission pays out.

So, obviously, after an exhausting but not to bad first trip, I arrived home feeling pretty damn good. Tired, sure, but proud of myself for not totally crashing and burning and sucking.

Then I read a shitty email and wanted to fucking kill random strangers with a hatchet. Apparently I am a selfish person who couldn't care whether my family lives or dies. Or maybe that was Schnapps talking. I dunno. I'm refraining from replying, as I would not like explode and perhaps hurt someone's feelings. (See, that's just how much I really don't fucking give a shit. Wait a minute. I sound just like, like...Quill. DAMMIT!)Ah, well. Everything is my fault for ruining Christmas this year. I'll just have to live with that until I die my pre-planned lonely death.

In trivia news (I know. This blog keeps getting longer and longer. Sorry.), I believe that this is going to be my final list of movies to watch over and over and over again. I'll find out tomorrow.

American Pie 2,
American Wedding,
Black Hawk Down,
Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2,

I'm sure you notice, not only the shift in caps, but the shift in genres. This is the editors request that my choices be more varied and the list be longer.

So, all you delicious morsels of flesh. Goodnight and fuck off.

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Thursday, December 01, 2005

I Can Hear You Existing!

Well. Vacation. Yeah.

Alcohol, cigarettes, stuff, movies, more movies. Breathing. Schnapps. Oh, the schnapps. Bowling. More drinking. Hooray for Thanksgiving!

I made it back home. Everyone can stop worrying if I'm alive, or not.

I got word back on the new trivia project. I should get about $100 per film for my initial work. After that, it's based on sales of the book. I am so fucking stoked. I started doing this just for fun, but getting paid is even better.

I have much to say, but I am very tired from my road-tripping.

Nix says: Schnapps.