Sunday, May 06, 2007

WARNING!! For Tetris Lovers Only!

Well, you were fucking warned.

Here's some damn creative guys putting on a stage-based version of the classic. You have to watch the whole thing.

And here's the psychopaths from being psychopaths in public. You should see their Resident Evil 4. The cops were called. More of their crazy shit at and

And who knew that the Tetris theme could be sexy? Rowr! If only the damn guys stopped getting in the way of all the hot bitches and the camera would stand the fuck still for a while. And if the chicks would have gotten out of the pool with their wet, dripping, white shirts at the end. Anyway, video/music by some group called 2pm or something.

Nix says: Will have something worth writing about at some point in my life.


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