Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Adventures Of.......

....ShitForBrains and WorthlessFuck!!!

Ok, I actually mean TJ and I (in that order, respectively). Perhaps I'll tell that story sometime.

I have just returned from my first trip wherein I was the person doing the demos. Here is the breakdown: Friday we had one show. Keep in mind that normally Tommy would throw me the demos where it was a shitty show-up because I guess it wasn't worth his time. We had 11 couples show up. Holy shit. And there were a bunch of retarded assholes in the group. One guy even had the balls to ask to see my ID to prove who I was right before the end of the show. Dick. We got one (1) sale and the couple was talking about how shit-stupid everyone else that left was. Nice.

Saturday, three shows. Our noon show had another huge show-up. 12 or 13 couples. We got maybe 2 or 3 sales. But a much better group.

Our 3 o'clock show had an absolutey AMAZING show up of a total of 5 couples. One was pointless and out the door right at the end and we sold the other 4. That was killer feel-good, baby!

And finally, our 6 o'clock had another massive show of 13 or something. Got a couple sales.

All told, I made about 14 thousand for the company. I'll soon see how my commission pays out.

So, obviously, after an exhausting but not to bad first trip, I arrived home feeling pretty damn good. Tired, sure, but proud of myself for not totally crashing and burning and sucking.

Then I read a shitty email and wanted to fucking kill random strangers with a hatchet. Apparently I am a selfish person who couldn't care whether my family lives or dies. Or maybe that was Schnapps talking. I dunno. I'm refraining from replying, as I would not like explode and perhaps hurt someone's feelings. (See, that's just how much I really don't fucking give a shit. Wait a minute. I sound just like, like...Quill. DAMMIT!)Ah, well. Everything is my fault for ruining Christmas this year. I'll just have to live with that until I die my pre-planned lonely death.

In trivia news (I know. This blog keeps getting longer and longer. Sorry.), I believe that this is going to be my final list of movies to watch over and over and over again. I'll find out tomorrow.

American Pie 2,
American Wedding,
Black Hawk Down,
Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2,

I'm sure you notice, not only the shift in caps, but the shift in genres. This is the editors request that my choices be more varied and the list be longer.

So, all you delicious morsels of flesh. Goodnight and fuck off.

More blogs about NixEclips.


Blogger Quilled One said...

Welcome to the scapegoat club, my friend! It's wonderful...wonderfully shitty.

It sucks that people - I won't name any names, but they know who they are - feel the need to pin all their troubles and woes on someone else, just to avoid admitting that they, in fact, are the problem; that they, in fact, are the assholes.

Keep your head up, bro...

4:04 PM  
Blogger NixEclips said...

Well, I'm not sure what the hell is going on. But from what I've learned I have no bearing on what stupid Xmas is going to be like. Our situations are similar but different. I appreciate the thought, dude.

4:13 PM  
Blogger DelorumRex said...

remember take three deep breaths.. and then from way down within scream "FUCK 'EM!!!!!!!"

8:20 AM  

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