Thursday, November 10, 2005

So, What Did You See?

Nothing much has been happening since I left Abilene,TX. I'm now in Waco and it fucking sucks. I'm trapped in a shit-hole. Here's the only amusing story I have to relate:

There was a guy next to us who was running a great racket. Hypnotism. $50 at the door. And they filled the room with about 30 people. Do the fucking math. The first day was 2 shows for losing weight. (I saw a few chicks I wanted to pull aside and ask "WTF are you doing here? Let's go have some drinks and talk." But I was working.) Anyway, the next day was for quitting smoking. And here comes the hilarity (although you probably had to be here) The dude talks for over an hour and then gives them a break. At this time, I happened to be outside talking to new customers and a huge pile of 30 people came piling out the door frantically lighting their smokes and making a huge cloud of smoke. I was having such a hard time not full-out laughing that I had to go inside. The next part of this guy's thing is playing shitty new-age music and murmuring for almost another hour. Fuck. Do you need a degree for having stupid people come and be bored for 2 1/2 hours? If not, fucking sign me up.

Anyway, I thought I'd try to wrap up my previous blog of strange/ exciting/ memorable/ interesting sexual excapades and be done. (Perhaps) But this may chart my emergence into the realm of bondage and subservience.

We'll start out slow. I have one of the only "nice" losing the virginity stories. Of the many I've heard over the years, most of them sound uncomfortable and not much fun. I was a senior in high school, a virgin and also dating a virgin. At one point her and my friend and her friend all went out to the middle of nowhere. My friend and the other girl were in the bed of the truck and doing whatnot. And my girl, let's call her "Sarah" (since that was her name) and I were in the cab. We were doing our messing around thing and clothes were removed and she put me inside of her. (okay, this is the point where all the guys cheer and offer to buy me drinks) However, I was NOT prepared for this next step and told her I was unable to do what she wanted. (at this point all the guys want to beat the shit out of me) We met a week later at my friend's house while his parents were gone and he and his girl went to their room and me and Sarah went to ours, which was my friend's brother's room. He was a devout Christian. We had Jesus and shit looking over us. I was playing The Cure's first "best of" album and...holy shit. I can't even explain how beautifully clumsy yet perfect it was. Neither of us knew what we were doing. But we did our best to be good to eachother.

Wow, I meant to go into other experiences, but I think I'm gonna stop with that memory.

I meet so many couples that are high school sweethearts. I wish them the best. And everytime I meet them I think of Sarah. What if I hadn't become such a selfish prick? What if I had kept treating her like my heart felt of her? It's all gone, now. I hope she's happy.

Nix says: Okay, the down and dirty shit comes next time. Stay tuned.


Blogger DelorumRex said...

Wow nix that does sound kinda sweet.. you have inspired me to write a entry that discribes my "loosing it" experience.

My was not sweet, but it did set a trend or rather strange experiences.. hard to compete with the first time.. when it was kinda kinky.

5:24 AM  
Blogger DelorumRex said...

Random thoughts random spellings (Reviews of life): wouldn;t it be nice... Blogger needs this.

Nix just trying out hte make a link thing.. but you know what as long as you are in Waco take aride out to where the Branch Davidians were and take a few snaps. I am sure that what is ther enow will be an empty field, but you can say you saw where a piece of history happend.. or not.

8:03 AM  
Blogger DelorumRex said...

Random thoughts random spellings (Reviews of life): losing "it" how I lost my virginity..

I feel like an ass posting and posting on yoru blog, but hereis a back link to my getting popped post. Or getting Posted pop.. or getting the Post from my pop post?

8:05 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

Wow, that IS a beautiful story. Now I know why Scott hated that following up HIS story. LOL! Perhaps I will be a "poser" sometime and tell the story of my's okay to kiss and tell, though. I married her. :)

8:43 PM  

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