Wednesday, November 02, 2005

"You Really Got Me....

...Come on and fuck with me" -Love and Rockets-

Sometimes I really sit and wonder if it's worth it to pursue the opposite sex. It's confusing, frustrating, and lots of other words that end in "ing". I'm not saying that I'd abandon that pursuit for the same sex. I'm just stating that girls piss me off. But I'm wired so that I feel the need to connect with one.

It's not that I've been taught since a child to find a "good" woman and start a family or whatever. I just happen to be very attracted to them and feel I would be pretty damn happy to find one I could spend the rest of my life with.

I don't even know how to get a goddamn date, though. As soon as it looks like I'm doing something right, I somehow fuck it up. Sometimes without doing anything at all.

I dunno. Blah blah blah. Bitch, whine, moan, COMPLAIN!!!!

On a lighter note, I got gifts from my mom and aunt. One of them is a "Fright Light"! Oooo, scary! It's a flashlight with buttons that you push that make sounds and flashes the light in an "interactive light show". *ahem* Right. Here are the sounds available: Evil Laugh (reminds me of a bad movie I once saw. *Looks at Quill*), Wolf Howl (Now THAT one I can really get behind), Help Cry (This one is so retarded it's funny), Jacob's Ladder (That's the thing every mad scientist has that goes "bzzzt" over and over), Thunder Storm (sounds like static, to me), Creaking Door (Complete with stupid footsteps), Witch Cackle (hold on.....Oooo, even has a bubbling cauldron!), and finally, the Ghost Moan! (And, yes, it's exactly what you think)

But it came with colored filters to put over the light! Wow! As the instructions state, you have your choice of "Mystical Blue", "Blood Red", and "Creepy Yellow"! Or you can combine blue and yellow to create....."Eerie Green"!!!! This just gets better and better! The box says that you'll "Be Amazed by 8 specially created CHILLING sound effects!" and that you will "MARVEL at the interactive light show!". But it doesn't stop there, boys and girls! "And it's a FLASHLIGHT too!" Holy shit! How did they cram all of that in there and then find the time to make it a FLASHLIGHT, as well? I'm impressed.

Supposedly there's supposed to be hours of entertainment. But I spent about 2 minutes and was done. Perhaps I will pick it up and make fun of it some more, though.

Nix says: Beef Broth


Blogger DelorumRex said...

yo ho Nixicale'!
Opposite sex.. well one word full of sluts adn stuff.. just right for a night of unbridled S&M... you just gotta tell em what you want.. adn wiat.. it don;t hurt to visit.. humor pays dividends.. so be yourself yada yada yada.. check out ingrmi for a profile that gets attention.. not that I would ever join a free dating site and go hunting for sluts.. nah I would never do that... I am a married man for chrissake!

Anyway, at least you got a present.. last night my wife barfed on me.. fricking flu bug.. or that arcenic is finaly kicking in (about time)...

SO today I spent an hour fuckign around with blogger, trying to realighn my template.. I added a banner ad adn all hell broke loose.. or it was a post that threw everything out of whack.. but anyway, I go fucking around in the template code.. after two hours I say hell with it.. I dump my template and start fresh.. and it is still fucked up! I dump a bunch of posts.. not still fucked.. so I say what the hell and I republish.. thinking that I would mess with it tomarrow.. later (about 30 minutes) I go check to read a comment.. and the fucking thing looks fine! GADDAMIT! Must have published with errors.. and all I needed to do was republish the thing to clear it out.. anyway moral of the story is.. if at first you don;t succed go surf porn for a while. (you can quote me)

2:25 PM  

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