Thursday, October 27, 2005

In My Field

I don't really have a field. I don't farm and I never completed college. For me, college just seemed like a way for those bastards to milk me for every penny I had. Me: "Hi. I'd like to be an actor." Them: "Good for you. Study math and you can have a degree in acting." Me: "WTF?" As you can see, it made no sense at all to me. I don't need to measure the stage to the degree of x squared on an inclined plane. Fuck you.

I spent most of my life being berated by my mother for not utilizing the intelligence I was born with. I constantly heard how high my IQ scores were. How I could do better than everyone around me. (Having retested, yes, they are quite high) My mom was a teacher, though. To this day, she harps on the point of me going back to college. Well, what the hell would I major in? After my first year in college I burnt out on the whole acting thing. Is there a travelling salesman school I can attend? I believe I've found what I truly enjoy and want to do for the rest of my life. I'm a pot-salesman. (cookware, you fools)

My mother also constantly tries to "save" me. She's very religious. (Perhaps all this mother talk is coming out because I'm feeling guilty since I haven't talked to her in so long.) Yes, yes, I'm going to be "left behind" and burn in the fiery pits of hell for all eternity. I know, mom. Whatever makes you feel comfortable. I'll just sit over here with my Teachings of Buhdda. See, we're kinda quiet about our beliefs. We don't feel that it is our duty to convert the world to our way of thinking. And btw, you're the one who brought this book and way of life into my world. Way to go! You lost a potential convert by showing them a different way of looking at life!

I was born Catholic. Raised Babtist. Turned Mormon. Even got tangled up in the Scientology thing.


Forget this "higher power" crap. It really is all about you. Take responsability for yourself. Make yourself a better person. You are your own "god". You control your life. Quit making wishes (praying) and fucking do something.

Sorry for all of you religious folks out there. I'm sick of you getting in my face and telling me I'm an evil person for not believing what you believe. Fuck you.

Nix says: Now I go skip through the forest in peace.


Blogger nut job said...

God only helps those who help them selves... and not to mention he doesn't like to get invovled in our affairs... so yeah, get off your fucking lazy ass, you bitch and dance for the monkey's... lol... :-D

6:25 AM  
Blogger DelorumRex said...

you NIX.. I.Q. 149 and I still can;t type worth a shit..

Religeon.. praticing pegan.. I figured if I was going to hell anyway I maight as well have a little fun while I was here.

My mother once told me, that what I believed was not a real religeon.. so I became a ULC minister.. mom fuck you.

If my wife would let me I would start a sex cult.. coem fuck for god.. (Do you think I could put that in fornt of the church? You know on the marquis that other churches put things like :"Jesus is Coming"

I once saw a church in Alabama andon the marquis it said.
"Jesus is Cuming Are You Ready?"
Made me think of the sex cult idea...
Rock on..
Peace apss it on.. sell some pot(s) in my name.. yada yada yada.

8:37 AM  
Blogger DelorumRex said...

FUCK I REALLY CAN;t TyPe Worth a SHit!>
and I have a collage degree.. whoopie shit! Be happy, or horny or whatever makes you feel your best.. it's all good.

8:39 AM  

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