Monday, December 05, 2005

Please, Oh Please! Not Insomnia, Again!

For the past few days I've only been able to get 2 to 4 hours of sleep and then I just toss and turn. I must admit. It's pissing me off.

So, I was just sitting here doing random BS and decided to do those stupid quiz thingies. Here's one:

"Which Movie Maniac am I?

I am Pinhead from Hellraiser
I am Pinhead from Hellraiser. I am a true sadist.
With me, destroying your body is just the
beginning. After that, we'll start working on
your soul. Valuable lessons can be learned
from my atrocities, however. Should you want
to play, all you have to do is pick up the
puzzle box. I need a hug.

Which Franchised Movie Maniac are you? Take
the quiz to find out!

Franchised Movie Maniacs Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

I guess that's ok.

Anyway, today, errrr...I mean yesterday (Sunday), I began the long, arduous task of getting my shit together here at the den. I plan on continuing throughout the week. My ultimate goal is to finally get to the "room we do not speak of". Soon, I shall have a sorta love-seat, but more like a dual recliner. I'm considering how to make that work. With all these damn book shelves, I don't think I can keep both it and the futon in the same room. But, on the off-chance that I actually DO have a moderate gathering here, I'd have no room for everyone to plant their butts. I'm creative enough to figure it out, though.

Let's take a moment to discuss cheese. Not American, or Swiss, or even Mozarella. I mean good, old-fashioned Japanese cheez. The kind you used to find on Saturday morning TV at around 11:00 (But that was before there were four or whatever 24-hour cartoon cable stations that sucked out childrens desire to wake up early watch cartoons from 6 a.m. to 11 and then watch 2 horror or sci-fi flicks in a row and then GO OUTSIDE AND FUCKING PLAY, GODDAMIT!). Godzilla, Gamera and my current subject, King Kong. Yeah, somehow they got the rights do do a couple of Kong pics back in the day. I just picked up both of them. King Kong vs Godzilla and my personal favorite, King Kong Escapes.

I don't know which one of them has the absolute worst Kong costume. I know they couldn't afford stop-motion, but couldn't they have made a face that actually looked like a fucking gorilla? Ok, now that I've thought about it, KKE has the worst looking face, but compensates BY ACTUALLY HAVING THE MOUTH MOVE! KKVG's Kong has a basically immobile face (and when it's mouth DOES move, it's in close-up of the most retarded HAND PUPPET), but compensates by actually looking a bit fierce. The KKE Kong looks like a big goofy...I dunno, but whatever it resembles it's damn goofy looking. What with the huge upper-lip thing.

Anyway, KKE is just loads of fun. It's an American/Japanese co-production. And if you've ever seen The Green Slime, you know that's always good for a few good laughs. Although it's not quite as bizarre as TGS, it's got plenty of goofy but nicely filmed monster action. Too many of the Godzilla films (and I'm one of the biggest G fans out there, people), especially the later ones, skimped on the monsters and gave us a bunch of drama. Fuck that milk. Bring on some destruction. The suprising thing is, KKE was actually filmed by the winning duo of Eiji Tsuburaya (FX) and Inoshiro Honda (director). That's the team that brought us the original Godzilla and many of it's sequels. An odd aspect to this film is that it was created to tie into the King Kong cartoon that appeared in the U.S., hence the evil character of Dr. Who (no relation to Dr. Who. That's kinda hard to explain. It's just his name. He doesn't travel time and shit, basically. He's not THAT Dr. Who. Oh, never mind).

Although Kong is supposed to be the star, you're more likely to want to see more of his nemesis: MechaKong. Yes, a giant robot Kong. It's a great design, as opposed to the "real" one. And they even seemed to have spent more time on a briefly seen T-Rex type creature (Gorosaurus, if you wanna get technical. But he hadn't been named at this time, you sticklers). He looks great!

So, I'm not actually reviewing the movie. Fuck off. Maybe some other time I'll do that, since this is actually a good start. All I gotta say, right now, is: You should watch it while you fondle your towel, paper-towel.

Nix says: Sleep eludes me even as I court it gently.

More blogs about NixEclips.


Blogger DelorumRex said...

You nix, good to see you blogging, even if it is through sleep deprived blood shot glazzy balls.
Sounds like you did alright with the "shows". Somtime I will have to ask you wha tit is you actually do.

I would have carded you right up front.. no sence in waiting until the end.

Well I am off to take a huge dump, and get ready for some 9-5 drudgery.. (why it is 8:00 to 5:30, nobody has been able to explain to my to date.. has somthing to do with being on salary)

YEA Celery!
DeRex says: Don;t you hate it when somone steals your idea?

3:54 AM  

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