Tuesday, December 13, 2005

All That Stuff

First and foremost: All That Jazz is NOT a musical. I've had many people, when told I would be reviewing this film, say: "Isn't that a musical?" No, no and no, again. It has musical numbers, but they take place in context to the film, itself. People don't just start belting out "Iiiiiii think I'll make myself a sannnnnndwich!" and such. Anyway.....

Before I begin, I think you should know a bit about the subject we'll be discussing. His name is Bob Fosse. He once said: "My friends know that to me happiness is when I am merely miserable and not suicidal."

He was considered one of the best choreographers in his day, and this film, "All That Jazz", is a thinly disguised autobiography of his life. He didn't just do dance, though. If you've ever seen the movie "Lenny", starring Dustin Hoffman , the movie of comedian Lenny Bruce's life, then you've seen a "Bob Fosse film".

The movie opens briallantly with a blaring musical cue and the title in lights. And then cuts to our "hero" coughing and hacking and starting his day. We then cut to an extensive audition scene set to an excellant rendition of "On Broadway". These show that broadway and dance isn't all glamour. That was quite striking. They're cut and composed with a style that keep it interesting and never boring. And most importantly, it sets up the character of Joe Gideon, the stand in for Mr. Fosse himself.

We also meet Jessica Lange. I've heard some refer to her as merely an angel. Sorry, folks. She's the angel of death. Which is why she loves that Gideon is a drinker, womanizer and is also a drug-addict.

Besides directing Broadway musicals, Gideon is also cutting a movie about a comedian. Hmm...See the connection, here? But it also begins to put in place an important plot device for the final reel of the film. The 5 stages of learning you're about to die. Remember this.

Gideon screws his dancers, has a girlfriend and has an ex-wife and daughter. He's so wrapped up in his job and fuck toys, though, that he never has time for his real family.

Great line of dialogue: "I just wish you weren't so generous with your cock."

Ok, aside from all the character shit, there is a lot of sexuality. Fosse's dance style was always sexual. He was involved in the original stage production of "Chicago" and directed the musical feature of "Cabaret", as well. And he was a very sexual creature. And there's a lot of flesh on display, here. However, sex is presented as pedestrian and very base. It's a vice in this story. Sex is only sexy in dance. The real focus is on the character and his relationships with those around him.

This guy smokes like a fucking champ. He always seems to have a cigarette in his mouth.

Jesus, the doctor is smoking and Gideon is smoking at the same time as the physical. WTF? Gotta love the '70's!

Ok, I have to mention this. The big event of showing the producers the musical number that Gideon has been working on. It's sexual as hell, it's a nifty song and...... that bitch from American Idol ripped this scene off, entirely. No, not Kelly Clarkson! The chick that danced with a cartoon cat! The crazy one! You know: "I'm Forever Your Girl" and other shitty songs from the past? She's a judge on AI and I can't ....PAULA ABDUL, GODDAMMIT! She had a video that totally was this scene. That fucking bitch. (But I can see why, it's a great scene!)

Sorry. I believe the chick that shows her tits in that scene went on to do some B-movies, or something. I'll have to hunt those down, as she has very nice breasts. (Ok. I just "used my brain" and figured out she's the chick from "Conan" and "Red Sonja")

We come back to the money-men. Talking about how much cash they can lose as Gideon is having open-heart surgery. Or how much they make if he dies. I see "The Producers" but not fucking funny at all.

Another musical number, but now things get weird. The almost subliminal pics and how we're entering Gideon's mind is fucked. Tragic, as well.

Actually, this leads into multiple musical numbers. And they all resonate emotionally and tie back into Gideon's life. The one where his daughter is tarted up like all the dancers he's been romancing, even as he has been grooming her to be a dancer, is especially creepy. She has the make-up and costume, but is still stumbling in trying to be a woman when she is only a girl.

Then, the last parts of the film, a brilliant display of editing, cinematography and a great way to tie everything together. I've never seen a better way of putting everything together. It's touching, yet not forced.

The final scene. Oh shit. I can't believe how unbelievable it is. It really makes you think about your life and how you want to be seen after you're gone.

Acceptance. Holy fuck. How can you not be moved by this ending? She's waiting with open arms.

This movie is a DRAMA. You have to invest yourself into the story to appreciate it. And as a drama, it is very succesful. It's beautiful, it's surreal and it's goddamn depressing. (Just ask my sister!)

I'd be a dumb-ass if I didn't mention this, as well. Roy Scheider gives a fucking great performance in this flick. He was nominated for an Academy Award, but lost to, wait, who's that? Oh! Dustin fucking Hoffman. Oh, the irony of it all!

Interestingly, in a morbid sort of way, Fosse himself died almost 10 years later of a heart attack, just as Joe Gideon does in the film.

Nix says: Break your skull to watch this film. The final number is worth it.


Blogger DelorumRex said...

damn.. counter point ont he way.. with luck somtime before i grow old and die.

7:21 AM  
Blogger DelorumRex said...

Random thoughts random spellings (Reviews of life): Dueling Reviews of ALL THAT JAZZ! (Nixie, he ain't heavy)

7:43 AM  
Blogger DelorumRex said...

You know beena , you seem bright, and (don;t tell him I said so, so is nixie), but ATJ???
Maybe it is my hatred of the entire show-biz world, that kept me from seeing beyond the surface?? Maybe I am just a neaderthal that should stick to movies like AVP?
By the last 20 minutes, I could not wait for Sheider,(shinndler, Shitheel, whatevers) charictor to go F the angel of death.
I creered when the credits rolled.. becaus e the torture was over.. like somone with Helsinki Syndrom I wanted to hug my captors.. ATJ should be added to the list of things we are no longer allowed to do to prisoners.

It is going to feel so damn good to make Nix sit through Darkness Falls.. after what he did to me? I may never be able to enjoy a loose woman, cigarette, Dexamphetimine and Booze at the same time again, without a Roy Scheider (Shnieder, shithead, sherlock) flash back.

For Chrisake, I think watching it gave me more braindamage and caused my typing skills to suffer.. see what you've done NIX!?!?!?!
Darkness Falls at 10 paces fucker!

10:02 AM  

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