Tuesday, December 06, 2005

You're Gonna Need A Bigger Blog

First, please click here and join the experiment:
Ok. I can't really complain about waking up at 4 in the morning, this time. I actually went to sleep at around 6 p.m.! That means I finally got more than 4 hours of sleep. Of course, that means I missed the chance to go sing karaoke. Oh well. I feel so much better. I dreamt of smoking cigarettes and at one point I was putting my entire DVD collection into the microwave. Why? I have no idea, but they sparked and melted all pretty.

I read a review of the "new and improved" King Kong (as opposed to the "old and inferior"? I think not). Sounds fantastic. Peter Jackson has wanted to make this film for ages.

This one's for Spawn: DOO DOO DOO! DOO DOODOODOO!

For some reason my heat is not functioning properly. I have hot water. I have electricity. But my little mercury thingie is not firing off the circuits, or something. I'm not a fucking technician. As soon as I have the living-room clean, I will have "Maintenance!" (I hear that from next door all the time) come and mess with it. Right now, I just wear multiple layers and smoke constantly, huddling around the cherry on my cigarette. Perhaps I should just sit in front of the oven.

For some reason, I was thinking about my ex-fiance. We're gonna call her Natalie (once again, becuase that was her name). She was a lesbian with a shaved head wearing combat boots when we first met. I believe it was at some rave (that was a LOONGG time ago, dammit). She was stomping out cigarettes and generally being aggressive. I don't know why she decided to give me a try, but our first date was a Gwar concert. Good, bloody fun. Over the years, her hair grew out, she lost weight, started wearing skirts and all. Started to physically attack me. Fucked the best man for our upcoming wedding. Yeah. I can't suggest trying to marry a converted lesbian.

What I CAN reccommend is having sex with your best-friends' lesbian mother as he (the best-friend/roommate. Just wanted to make sure noone saw that as a typo. I don't have sex with sleeping people, especially men. I never have sex with men. Oh, forget it. I know what I meant.)sleeps. But only if she wants you to, you fools. That's got to be one of the best memories I have of California. Damn. I wonder where she's at, now. I wonder if she ever told her life-partner what she had done on Mothers' Day. Hmmm....

Anyway, back to the cleaning of the den.

Nix says: How the Nix ruined Xmas. By Dr. Suess. Coming soon.

More blogs about NixEclips.


Blogger DelorumRex said...

the ball is rolling..
on December 7th all day and night..
Go to http://www.technorati.com
and enter the term NixEclips

Nixie is not well, and needs you love and attention to feel wanted and in order to get better.
When I asked him if he could have anything in the world, what would he want, he looked up at me with those little round eyes, adn said..
“I wanna be more famous than Daphne Tao.. just for a day.”

So Wednesday December 7th is now International NixEclips day!

Remember go to www.technorati.com and enter nixeclips into the search engine, over and over and ovaer again, all day until you see NixEclips in the top 10!

Please pass this on to every blogger you know, far and wide and every person you know blogger or not.
We are trying to make a deserving young man’s dream come true!

WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 7th Is International NixEclips day!

6:04 AM  
Blogger DelorumRex said...

Dud I will try to email you this code, to put at the bottom of your posts. So you can get found tomarrow durring International NixEclips Day.



I'll make you famous.. I hope.

6:42 AM  
Blogger DelorumRex said...

I have sent out emails, all across the world asking fellow naughty people to join in the conspiricy!

I do not think it will take that many searches in one hour to get up towards the top perhpas 200?

If I look at the time I spend in the #1 position for any given keyword, I only will take in about 2 clicks per minute.. if most people click the top refering blog, that means that only around 120 to 200 people are searching for any one term in a given hour.

If my theory pans out, once you get on teh top 10 you should stay on the top 10, for most of the day (using the Bruna Bianco model)

So rest assured I will be one, who goes to technorati , puts nixeclips into the search box and clicks.. several times throughout the day!

I have pledges from 2 others that they too will join in on the fray.

Remember: Who's yo huckleberry.

1:08 PM  

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