Thursday, December 28, 2006

I Hate New York

Yes, yes, it's true. This city fucking sucks. Dirty, claustrophobic, and too many goddamn people.

We're staying at the Hyatt in Manhattan. It's quite impressive in the lobby and outside. We're right above Grand Central station at 42nd street. A Jack and coke cost me $13 at the hotel bar. Needless to say, that was the only drink I had there.

Last night we had our first awards show. As Jeff and I left his room, we were bitching about how shitty the hotel was and as we rounded the corner towards the elevator, Jeff was in the middle of saying this: "This hotel is a piece of shit." There was a flock of grandparenty types standing that turned and stared at us. We all stood in uncomfortable silence as we waited for the elelatah and I suppressed snickers. Finally, I had to say "Oh, wait. I forgot something in the room." So we go back around the corner and we both immediately burst into unctrollable laughter. Good times.

Cocktails were going on before the show and Mr. Jim Martin, the guy on our DVD was talking with our group. I said: "Jim! You're the guy that tells me about the thief in my kitchen!" And TJ hopped in and told him that while we're cutting up the food that I say I think it's Jim Martin. Thanks TJ, you fucker. But it was funny.

So, now I'm in a quandry. I've got two huge trophys and two plaques to somehow get home. I packed light, dammit! And now I have no clue how to get these fuckers back. Let's see what they're for.... Well, Hall of Fame and World League Newcomer plaques. And Newcomer giant-ass trophy and one that, well let me explain.

It's for top recruiter with the name Tony Miller on it. Tony only had one recruit and it was me, so in his speech he said that I was the one that really deserved it and handed it off to me. I talked to some people in the business and they said they'd never seen that happen. Wow. Pretty damn cool.

So, I had to give another fucking speech for my own award for Top Newcomer. While it wasn't as fun as the one I gave at the Masmas party, I got a lot of good feedback.

Today, wasn't as exciting. We started at 10 a.m. and they brought in some douche-bag celebrity chef. Now, I talked to one of the big-head-honcho guys last night and he was telling me that this chef just loved our cookware. Sounded cool. But one of the first fucking things this chef said was: "Well, we don't have an oven, so we'll have to pretend." WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???!!! I count 3 fucking ovens up there. They're called Royal Prestige cookware, you twat. Then he was making some potatoe type thing and when he went back he was all "And nothing has happened, here, so I'll have my assistant take this back to the kitchen and put it on a real stove." GOOD FUCKING CHRIST, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW THIS SHIT WORKS! Now, the whole point of his little show was to show us the "versatility" of our product. Fine. But at least KNOW the product, dammit. So, me and TJ bailed and I had a beer.

When we got back, it was supposed to be a meeting about how to improve your business, or something. I couldn't really tell you, since all the pudgy guy started off with was how we had to walk and then we had horses and then cars and then planes and then phones and then internet and then...I have no fucking clue what this had to do with selling fucking pots and pans, for christ's sake. Anyway, me and TJ started writing notes back and forth, just like Junior High. Here they are for ya:

Nix: FUCK! Just tell us how to sell pots, you fucker!
TJ: Please jam this pen in my left eye.
Nix: And then stick an Ipod in my anus.
TJ: What company is this, again?
Nix: Microsoft?
TJ: I thought it was a dairy farm.
Nix: No. It's the Food Channel and AOL.
TJ: Is this CNN live?
Nix: JESUS FUCK! Get to the fucking point!
TJ: And baby Jesus - Where's the ticker tape at the bottom of the screen?
NIx: Starring: A bland white blob of flesh.
TJ: He seems so passionate and he's very entertaining.
Nix: He's the scavenger in our kitchen. He eats the scraps that fall out of Jim's mouth.
TJ: There are no scraps.

And then I slept. There's this great tubular pillow that fits under my neck perfectly and actually makes it not painful to sleep. I wanna take it, but I'm sure they'll charge out the fucking ass if I do. I'll have to find one when I get back.

I miss my baby. My leaving and traveling has never been a real problem, until Jessica showed back up. We dated in High School and now we're back together. How fucked is that? It's weird. It feels like we've been together for years but it's only been months. When I'm alone it feels pretty empty wherever I am. I really hope we can make this work.

Well, that's gonna do it. It costs $1.50 for the first 30 minutes of a phone call and I have to use dial-up.

Nix says: I'm coming home, soon, baby.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Masmas For The Masses

Merry Happy Masmas, everyone!

Hopefully, you got to see some family and recieved a few gifts.

I spent 3 days with my sister and went to my aunt's for Masmas-eve-day. Laughed a lot, even though the fucking pain is unbearable. But I'm such a good mean actor, that it doesn't seem as bad as it is. How I love lying. Just ask around.

Anyway, I'm getting ready to leave for New York, here, and.......

Oh, wait. Before I talk about my personal life, which is pretty much what this space is for, let me make some observations, comments, outright lies, accusations and prophecies. Sound good? Groovy.

I surf pretty damn well. I have quite a few places I like to visit. Not just or or TOMBOFANUBIS.COM. I read different websites , as well.

I also read blogs. Some by people I don't even know, but find interesting and funny.

Lately, I've heard quite a few people say that we've become too "p c" on them or that if it's private, don't put it up in public and various other shit.

Fuck that. I'll admit that I've been leaving out certain things that might hurt or upset people. I wonder if that shit should stop? I mean, I started writing here on accident (See very first post for info, I believe) and quickly found it a good way to vent and release things I was stressing about and also to keep people I don't see all the time up to date.

It was also a place where people could support eachother or exchange opinions, even if you didn't agree and MAYBE, just maybe work out problems. It's turned pretty ugly when it turned RATED-PC.

It's sad. We want people to read and know us, but not completetly.

I don't write for any one person except myself, from now on. I should make it a fucking petition, or whatever. "I swear, that from now on I will not hold back whatever I goddamn feel like typing for myself. I'll vent into the vast spaces my inner turmoil, bitching and ranting. And I shall be freed. Amen and fuck off."

Nix says: I dunno. I'll have to give it shot next time.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

I Miss You



There are days that take to long
It's those days i wish i had you right here in my arms
I'm getting lonely
I'm sick of waiting here for you
I'm getting lonely
Please come home 'cause i want to be with you
Or maybe i'm a fool

Baby, you still drive me crazy
Nothing's going to change me
So you don't have to cry

Maybe i should take the blame
I guess the music man is no shelter from the rain
I'm getting lonely
I'm sick of waiting here for you
I'm getting lonely
Please come home 'cause i want to be with you
Or maybe i'm a fool

Baby, you still drive me crazy
Nothing's going to change me
So you don't have to cry

Oh yeah i said Baby
You know that you save me
Your love's so amazing
You're never off my mind

Nothing's going on
I've been gone for way to long
I'll be right back in your arms
Don't be afraid.

I'm getting closer
I'm making my way back home to you
I'm getting closer
I can see your face and the light keeps shining through
Hey baby what am i to do.

Baby, you still drive me crazy
Nothing's going to change me
So you don't have to cry

I said Baby
You know that you save me
Your love's so amazing
You're never off my mind

Nothing's going on
I've been gone for way to long
I'll be right back in your arms
Don't be afraid.

Nix says: Masmas.


Why the fuck did I have to win all those goddamn trophys and shit? Do you know how hard it is to have to move those from one place to another?

Joking, of course.

Tommy actually gave me a Best Buy gift card. And I think the world is ending, hell is freezing over and Jesus is returning.

@Scolly: I can't say it enough. You taught me everything about this job. Thank you so fucking much, man. I'm gonna find you the perfect gift, someday. (Yes, I had to add "someday".)

If I had had (that looks weird) the cash, these would have been the shirts I would have had made. BTW......had.

Tony: Use your...BRAIN!

Scott: It's been a long day (noon, btw). My sinuses are kicking my ass. (and on the back) How about I just give you your trips and let you go?

John: I have to wash my face.

Tommy: Michael Jackson.

Jeff: I'm eating flies. Way better than you.

Jess: Quit climbing shit!

Nix says: Seriously, please remove my arm.

Friday, December 15, 2006

From Your Mowf

The pain continues and all vicodin does is make me a drugged up guy in pain. I'm doing my demos with one arm, as I'm supposed to wear a sling when I'm up and doing things, so as not to cause more damage. Even if I wasn't wearing it, I'd end up dropping a pan if I tried to hold it and scream out "shit" or "fuck" in a fit of pain. So, it's a bit difficult but Jeff is helping out, a lot.

Did you see that clip of the high school football player who just jumped right over an opposing team member? It's on the news. He totally Jackie Chan'd it. It's fucking cool as shit. Check it out:

And I just found a killer GLU vid that should actually play. It's pretty fucked up yet cool as all hell. Here ya go:

Nix says: I wanna come home.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Please Remove My Arm

For a week, now, I've had an intense and searing pain shouting from my shoulder-blade area, up my neck and into my shoulder, as well. It has made it nearly impossible to do my favorite thing: Sleep, for fuck's sake.

Well, now we have the verdict in from an official Doctor person. I have a torn or damaged rotator cuff. Just like a baseball star! No idea how it happened, I just woke up the night of the storm when I lost power and was hurting pretty bad. Figured it was just a pulled muscle or pinched nerve and would work itself out. Nope. Nope. Nope.

So, I'm back on Vicodan and something like anti-inflamatory or somesuch shit. If this doesn't work, it's entirely possible that I'll have to go into surgery in the next few weeks.

So, I feel the Vic kicking back in and I won't be able to type coherently, soon.

Nix says: A chainsaw would work.

Update: I posted this on the BJForum and said some more shit, so I added it here for you.

And here's an extra add-on accessory for you.

How in the holy hell did this fucking happen? Was it the marathon rounds of intense and hot sex with Bosnian hookers? Was it when I actually put the toilet seat down? Or the time that a funny joke was told and the person I was with lightly slapped my arm to let me know they were immensley ammused, even though the loud and annoying laughter straight into my ear pretty much gave it away?

Well, been doing some research and actually talking to someone whose BOTH rotator cuffs (or what the fuck ever) are fucked up.

This is no laughing matter, apparently, even though I'm joking about it, at this moment. This could all stem from the spill I took in L.A. when I was practicing my mad skateboarding skills and broke my elbow. It could be something that fucks with me for the rest of my life. Just the fact that surgery is lurking in the near future makes it serious.

Oh, fuck it. Whatever happens makes me broke, again, anyway. At least my life is consistent.

Anyway, thought you guys might want to know I'm pretty out if it most of the time, right now. The Vicodan makes me nauseaous and doesn't even kill the pain, fully. All I can do to make it better is lay on my bed. Just typing out this addendum is hurting. If I can make the party, I will, but I might need somewhere to stretch out, every once in a while.

See ya.


Thursday, December 07, 2006

Well, That Was Ok.

Got a Paid In Full last night. Not bad. But I wish I was home. I miss my baby.

Anyway, I found this vid and wanted to put it up. 2 reasons:

1) God Lives Underwater always spoke to me. The lyrics seemed to represent myself. Addiction, fucking up, knowing you fucked up...whatever. It was a dark day when David Reilly died, for me.

2) I just think it's a song that represnts my current situation(s).

So here ya go:

Nix says: I love everyone, Timmy!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I lost power for a few days.

Have I mentioned that I'm an abusive person? Have I mentioned that I have an illegitmate (sp?) child that I refuse to take care of? Have I mentioned that I'm a total fucking asshole?

Looks like I'm everything everyone says about me. I rock.

Nix says: Fuck all of you. Just fuck the hell off.