Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Masmas For The Masses

Merry Happy Masmas, everyone!

Hopefully, you got to see some family and recieved a few gifts.

I spent 3 days with my sister and went to my aunt's for Masmas-eve-day. Laughed a lot, even though the fucking pain is unbearable. But I'm such a good liar...er..I mean actor, that it doesn't seem as bad as it is. How I love lying. Just ask around.

Anyway, I'm getting ready to leave for New York, here, and.......

Oh, wait. Before I talk about my personal life, which is pretty much what this space is for, let me make some observations, comments, outright lies, accusations and prophecies. Sound good? Groovy.

I surf pretty damn well. I have quite a few places I like to visit. Not just stomptokyo.com or bloody-disgusting.com or TOMBOFANUBIS.COM. I read different websites , as well.

I also read blogs. Some by people I don't even know, but find interesting and funny.

Lately, I've heard quite a few people say that we've become too "p c" on them or that if it's private, don't put it up in public and various other shit.

Fuck that. I'll admit that I've been leaving out certain things that might hurt or upset people. I wonder if that shit should stop? I mean, I started writing here on accident (See very first post for info, I believe) and quickly found it a good way to vent and release things I was stressing about and also to keep people I don't see all the time up to date.

It was also a place where people could support eachother or exchange opinions, even if you didn't agree and MAYBE, just maybe work out problems. It's turned pretty ugly when it turned RATED-PC.

It's sad. We want people to read and know us, but not completetly.

I don't write for any one person except myself, from now on. I should make it a fucking petition, or whatever. "I swear, that from now on I will not hold back whatever I goddamn feel like typing for myself. I'll vent into the vast spaces my inner turmoil, bitching and ranting. And I shall be freed. Amen and fuck off."

Nix says: I dunno. I'll have to give it shot next time.


Blogger Quilled One said...

Right on.

I was doing just that, and rightly so I might add.

Some people need to fuck off and die LOL!

7:50 PM  

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