Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Please Remove My Arm

For a week, now, I've had an intense and searing pain shouting from my shoulder-blade area, up my neck and into my shoulder, as well. It has made it nearly impossible to do my favorite thing: Sleep, for fuck's sake.

Well, now we have the verdict in from an official Doctor person. I have a torn or damaged rotator cuff. Just like a baseball star! No idea how it happened, I just woke up the night of the storm when I lost power and was hurting pretty bad. Figured it was just a pulled muscle or pinched nerve and would work itself out. Nope. Nope. Nope.

So, I'm back on Vicodan and something like anti-inflamatory or somesuch shit. If this doesn't work, it's entirely possible that I'll have to go into surgery in the next few weeks.

So, I feel the Vic kicking back in and I won't be able to type coherently, soon.

Nix says: A chainsaw would work.

Update: I posted this on the BJForum and said some more shit, so I added it here for you.

And here's an extra add-on accessory for you.

How in the holy hell did this fucking happen? Was it the marathon rounds of intense and hot sex with Bosnian hookers? Was it when I actually put the toilet seat down? Or the time that a funny joke was told and the person I was with lightly slapped my arm to let me know they were immensley ammused, even though the loud and annoying laughter straight into my ear pretty much gave it away?

Well, been doing some research and actually talking to someone whose BOTH rotator cuffs (or what the fuck ever) are fucked up.

This is no laughing matter, apparently, even though I'm joking about it, at this moment. This could all stem from the spill I took in L.A. when I was practicing my mad skateboarding skills and broke my elbow. It could be something that fucks with me for the rest of my life. Just the fact that surgery is lurking in the near future makes it serious.

Oh, fuck it. Whatever happens makes me broke, again, anyway. At least my life is consistent.

Anyway, thought you guys might want to know I'm pretty out if it most of the time, right now. The Vicodan makes me nauseaous and doesn't even kill the pain, fully. All I can do to make it better is lay on my bed. Just typing out this addendum is hurting. If I can make the party, I will, but I might need somewhere to stretch out, every once in a while.

See ya.



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