Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Transdermal Celebration

Why am I awake so damn early? Why do I feel so damn good? Hey, your guess is as good as mine.

Well, my birthday is rapidly approaching. Soon, I shall be *cough hack* agghh! 31.
But I'm ok with that. 30 was the the tough one. From here on out, it's just taking those steps closer to the grave. I mean, I already have a few grey hairs hiding in that thing living on top of my head.

Earlier yesterday, I had been up for over 24 hours. Not because I was doing LSD or anything. I was awake for the majority of our drive back from Texas and then had to take care of bills and stuff. After a certain point, you start to see tracers and stuff and I guess it was kinda like doing LSD, only without the joy of knowing you were doing something wrong, instead of doing what needed to be done. Fucking responsibility, dependability, and lots of other words that end in "ility".

BTW, I've figured out why there seem to be an inordinate amount of missing letters when I type these blogs up. It makes my 'top run really goddamn slow, so it gets fucking confusing and annoying. But fuck yall's milk. I can spell, dammit.

Do I have anything of substance to say, or am I just gonna sit here and let my head tell my hands what it's thinking? I dunno. Let's find out. Let me get in contact with my head.............

Ok. Earlier last night I was cleaning (doesn't it always seem as if I'm fucking cleaning, yet nothing is ever clean? I guess me and that guy from Vast have something in common.) and sat down to take a break. Damn, that depression started to creep back in. It pissed me off.

I spent the whole weekend thinking of all the things I needed to do to start to improve my outlook on life. That starts with cleaning and organizing my surroundings. If I can get my dwelling in order, perhaps it will be easier for me to get myself in order (as much as that is possible).

I've thrived on chaos for longer than I can remember. It's part of my personality, sure, but I want my den to be comfortable and tidy.

One thing at a time, starting with my den, dammit. YES, A FUCKING "DEN"! You call it an apartment or whatever you want.

Anyway, perhaps if one of us can break this cloud of shit that hangs above us, it can help disperse it for the others. (I'm not being pompous, you fuckers. I'm just being ....oh my god...optimistic. Holy shit. Bob! He's here! heheheheh.)

Nix says: Good luck and lots of love to all.


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