Saturday, October 01, 2005

You've Got To Move It! Move It!

Sorry. Dance party flashback.

Last night was Heather's B-Day party. Whee! Lot's of fun. Loud, chaotic and well worth it.

I met up with everyone at 10, after they'd been drinking since 8, and then we headed to M.P. O'Reilly's. (Scary thought: This was one night where I should have been the driver. heheheh)

Somehow, the girls got me out on the floor for some "dancing", if you can call my Frankenstein-monster moves "dancing".

There were a couple Playboy bunny chicks there, which was actually kinda annoying.

I ended up getting to know a girl I have been interested in, though. She's a sweetie and we should be doing something together that is more conducive to conversation at some point in the future.

Only one near confrontation. And I won't go into it, because it was just a possible misconception on the other person's part. I'll just say this: There is a time and fucking place for everything. And that wasn't either, asshole.

I've had new glasses for a month now. I forgot to mention that.

I have a license to drive.

I have recieved an invite to visit my ex-nun friend and may very well accept on Sunday. (Some of you know who I speak of.)

That is all, loyal whoever the hell you people are.

Nix says: Ain't got no time for the jibba-jabba! (Shit. Mr.T said that.)


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