Tuesday, September 27, 2005

"I'm a Dumbass. I Go Too Fast.When I Shouldn't Be Moving At All." -GLU-

Yeah. Yeah. I'm back on my GLU kick. Fuck off.

*sigh* Yesterday was...it was....I was way off in someone else's head. I don't know where it came from. I couldn't sleep on Sunday night and then slept until like 4pm. And I woke with no ambition and no sense of self. Felt empty, again. Had a little breakdown. Luckily I had a good friend to prop me up, a bit.

Thanks and sorry, Quill. That was the last thing you needed to deal with.

So....Howling madagascar tree-monkey. Damn. I have no humor in me. That's just wrong.

I'm like a small child. I know I want something. I just can't get it for myself and I can't vocalize exactly what it is that would make me happy.

What happened to all that fucking confidence and self-acceptance? Wake up, you fucker!!!

Great, now it's come to me talking to myself in print.

I go, now. This is just fucking pathetic.

Nix says: Meeting with my writer (who is a *ahem* philosophy MAJOR, thank you) about my little head trip drama flick, tonight.


Blogger Quilled One said...

No matter what I'm going through, if I can't be there for a friend, I'd just as well pack it in.

Now I know what Heather was asking me about, after reading your blog. She was concerned and wondered what you were talking about. Duh on me.

Anyway, I'm glad I could at least be there to lend support. As we both know, a string of "bleakness" is slinking around through various people in our circle...you're not alone. Hopefully this is more phase than permanence...fuck it, I know it's just phase.

Hang in there and think about what I told you. Peace.

7:13 AM  

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