Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I Just Love Those Surprise Allergy Attacks!!!

Q: How many American Prestige employees does it take to push a luggage cart?

A: Two!
Yeah. Not really funny to anyone but me and the Asian guy. But I couldn't resist. I could just tell the story, but it still wouldn't really amuse anyone.

I am sneezing my brains out, right now. Perhaps it has to do with the cleaning of the apartment. Perhaps I am allergic to cleaning. Perhaps I should dust. Perhaps I should say "perhaps" a few more times. Perhaps I should.

Or not.

Thoughts fly about my head like annoying insects. They're close enough to bring attention to themselves, but won't let you catch them. Fuckers!

I think I shall have to put back on the armor and raise the shields, once more. That last little fuck up HURT. And reminded me why I've been pretty much alone for so long. I believe it was Nut-Job who suggested trying guys, instead of girls. Jesus windsurfing Christ!! What the? I christened you well, my dear. You truly are a nut-job.

Perhaps honesty is NOT always the best option. That's the way I'm feeling. Perhaps (yay!) I need to learn to balance the full-force honesty with just a little "acting". For instance: "I really like you and want you to know me, but right now, let's just bullshit eachother."
Hmmm...That doesn't really work, does it?

I know: "You look beautiful! You must be a slut!"
Shit. That didn't work, either.

I guess I'll have to fix the bugs in that approach.

Anyway, Heather is really pissed at everyone in the whole fucking world because... Umm...Well, I guess she's not really pissed at anyone. Who knew?

Nix say: I knew I had nothing to say, I just had to prove it.


Blogger Quilled One said...

Heh heh heh heh...

OOOHHHHH!! *contorted face*

3:24 PM  

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