Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Sun Catches The Shadows

I'd just like to get this out, in case I never have the opportunity to tell it to your face.

I would never intentionally hurt someone. DO YOU HEAR ME??

Some of those out there seem to think that I fucked up someone else's life with no regard to their well being.

It was a mutual fuck up. We both did things and let things happen that we shouldn't have.

If you want to place all the blame on me, fine. That just means that you didn't want to be my friend to begin with. Good-day, sir or madam. And fuck off.

And if you have a problem with me, why haven't you actually TALKED to me about it?

It's really easy to talk shit and not confront the issue or whom you view at fault.

Before I go further into this bullshit, I sign off.

I want everyone to be my friends and family. But if you want to play these little games, I don't need you near me.

Nix says: I tried.


Blogger Quilled One said...

You and I have discussed this already. Regardless of intent, there's the bottom-line of: she got used; and Nix did the using.

True, there are circumstances surrounding all of it - but it doesn't change the bottom-line. It only marks the difference between doing in purposefully and it happening circumstantially.

Plus, it also doesn't help that you kept doing it upon realizing it was happening, when you could have stopped it. (And while I DO realize stopping it would have meant putting yourself in a bad way ride/living-wise, it was still a conscious decision to continue it.) Like beating an orphan to save your own life. Sure you have a good enough reason - but you're still "that fucker that beat the shit out of a defenseless orphan".

It's good that you assume responsibility for your part in the stupidity of it all - unfortunately, part of that also entails receiving any consequences of any actions therein.

Simply put - they naturally don't like what happened, and that's unfortunately something you're either going to have to live down in some way, via apology or explanation or understanding, or ignore it.

3:44 PM  

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