Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wizard Of Speed And Time

I first saw this short in film school. It was quite amazing and inspiring, as well. This is a variation on stop-motion, where you have an actual person instead of a model. This one came out in '79, but in, I believe, '83 he took this and made a feature film about a little guy trying to make it in Hollywood and re-made the short with more money and effects, but...DAMN! This fucker is talented and it's too bad he never got more work in Hollywood. (btw, youtube is all fucked, right now, so try it again tomorrow, if it doesn't work)

Here's the clip of the re-done one. I think the stand-out scene is him running through the sprinkler. But both are amazing.

In other news, I'm in Texas. Struck out on my first show. Blah.

Oh! @Hizz: While I was in Springfield, there was some dudes all done up like KISS and they looked killer.

@Quill: Actually, this band called Black Dahlia sounds like something you might like. Look 'em up.

Nix says: I got nothing. Blah.


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