Sunday, July 31, 2005

Have I Mentioned This???

No. Not the Texas thing. The woman thing.

The fact that they always just say what you want to hear and put up with your shit, even when you're actually interested in what random thoughts are spewing out of their mouths.

Obviously, the girl I spent all night chatting with and getting my job threatened for was not in her room when I got done with work.

She went out with some (hmmm....what word to use? the RP terminology? Nah) Some fucking shit-holes. Just so she could hit the bars in Dallass.

But that's ok. Some other girl walked past me and gave the most beautiful smile and hello as she did. Later, I gave her shit at the front desk and (brace yourselves) accompanied her to fucking Wal-Mart. It was a shit-load of fun. Laughs a plenty.

And then I broke in my swim trunks. In the hot-tub. To the pool. Back to the tub. Back to the pool.

But she seemed to be pulling very far away from me. I just wanted some hand-holding, hugging and (most importantly) snuggling and talking.

Does every woman assume I want to fuck them? WTH? She couldn't even talk to me in an honest and straight-forward way. I really enjoyed the time I had with her. And I wanted to feel closer to her. When she was telling me about her life, I had to concentrate on what she was saying, not because I was looking at her breasts. But because I was lost in her eyes.

This is the difference between a human and a woman. One just humors you and lies to you and one wants to be open but is afraid of what "might" happen. I prefer a human. Someone who wants to share and enjoy the moment, but also can't seem to let go. Fuck. I just forgot which was which. But I do know this:

I prefer the woman who knew that she couldn't be with me without doing something she would regret. The bitch that just lied and fucked with me can go to fucking hell. You give humans a bad name. (And I'm wanted by ten thousand guys, cuz I'm slippery when wet. And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, you should get off your bad medicine)

Nix says: I'm lonlier tonight because I didn't get more time to talk with or be next to her. Not because I didn't get to fuck her. That was never my intention. But it's better safe than sorry, right?


Blogger Quilled One said...

For some reason, girls have a sixth sense when it comes to guys that are "seeking" anything from them - be it sex, or just some innocent, meaningful conversation/company.

And you can NEVER circumvent it. No matter what you do, or say, or how cool you play it, they will ALWAYS sniff you out if you're a single guy looking for any kind of interaction with them. And, unfortunately, 90% of the time, they shy away from it.

It's the guys that just don't give a fuck, who aren't seeking anything, that they are drawn towards. Trust me, I know this for a fact - it's how I "got" Heather.

So just say "Fuck it." and you'll be golden. And, you won't have any expectations, because they'll be no let-downs if they walk away or snub you.

Think about it.

That's right, bitch. Ooooooooooh shit!

P.S. Green Meat!! Green Meat!!

6:51 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Michael Jackson.

12:16 PM  

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