Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Mind Twister

I'm definitely not stable right now. Up and down. Angry, sad, happy....all over the place.

I thought I was done with my dad thing. You know, him dying and all that. But I've been thinking about him a lot lately. Having some crying fits. Crawling back into myself.

And I thought I was done with Mikki. Thought it wouldn't hurt me anymore.

And I know this is very hard on Hizz. She's watching me fight all of this and can't do anything except be there.

So, let's move on to other subjects.

I'd like to finish Night of the Living Loaf before September. I'd like to enter in the NYC Horror Film Festival.

I'm beginning to wonder whether my untitled project will ever be completed. I mean, there's a lot of personal things that are in there. Will I be able to face all of those things?

Nix says: So easy to let the fingers babble.


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