Monday, August 15, 2005

......the Hell?

What the fuck is wrong with Texas? I mean, it's even worse than ever. Sure, noone's referred to Quick Trip as a "gas station store", but I'm baffled.

We had a 1pm show on Sunday. Tommy got started and some guy came up to the table alone and was looking at the surveys and the sign-in sheet. Back and forth. When I asked he said his fiance was in the car cuz she woke up early to meet her mom or something. Hard to tell, really. I mentioned we had started and if they were gonna go in, they needed to very soon. He then opened the meeting-room door (I said: "Whoa whoa whoa whoa...What are you doing?") and then slammed it shut. I specified that he and her both had to go in togther and he left to get her. They return. Both are staring at me as if I am a rare spotted scuttlebutt beetle, or something. I ask the girl, who looks as if she is barely able to walk, if she's able to make it through the 90 minutes and she mumbles something unintelligible while nodding her head. Ok. I got them seated (along w/another late couple. Everybody is fucking late this week.) and go back to reading. 15 minutes later, they both come out and state she must work.

My impression: These guys tripped some major acid last night and drank.

Later, I had a guy tell me he used cast-iron and never washed them, just scraped out the crap and .... Blech. "I love my cast-iron." Dude, this IS cast-iron, it's just covered in sanitary stainless steel! His girls says she doesn't cook, she just uses the microwave. Lady, you just nuked out everything at 900 degrees. You should just eat the fucking cardboard box. "But it's fast." Our cookware is fucking fast! WTF is wrong with you people? The things you like are right there and you're being fucking retards!

Finally, I (wait for it) got my hair cut today. My hopes rose as I was greeted in fluent english by a younger woman of asian descent. (And yes, Scott I would fuck her.) Great. But who finished their current customer first? Why, Suzy fucking Kwan, of course. Seems she's picked up a few more words in the prominent language of the United States of America. She can say them, but can't understand the reply, though. I then had the most bizarre hair-cutting experience of my life. (Except the time I had my whole head shaved for cash, of course.) She did all the classics: scraping my scalp, combing my ears. But everything was out of order. Cut the right, cut the front. Buzz the back. Clip the ear area on the left. Buzz the right. What the fuck? Is everyone here hooked up with the good LSD and not getting me any, or what?

My hair is shorter than ever. As soon as I thought she had reached an acceptable length, she'd return later and continue snipping away.

But i'd still bang the shit out of Suzy. No matter how bad of a haircut she gives. Cuz I bet she still sounds like she's crying when she has an orgasm. Wait, did I just say that?

Nix says: Help! I'm in Texas!


Blogger Scott said...

I bet you're right about Kwan.

Dude, you knew Texas was fucked before even going there, at least on this trip.

People are stupid, it's the law of the land.

BTW, you might wanna remove that ad that's above my post. I hate those fucking things. It's just a way for spammers to get around spam filters in your e-mail. Hell, I turned my anonymous posts off.

11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell am I suppose to hold on to when you are fucking the shit out of me now that you have no hair.............. just wondering. Sorry Texas is sucking like always. Love Ya

4:48 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

Gotta love Tex-ass. And hey - your great leader is there with you, partying it up while soldiers die (surprise, surprise)...

Sucks about how things are going.

We'll party when you get back, dude.

@Spawn: These spammers have blog accounts turning off the anonymous posts aren't going to stop them. Dammit. :(

5:53 AM  

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