Saturday, April 09, 2005

Suzy, You've Done It, Again.

That's right, bitches! I totally got my hair cut by Suzy Kwan, again, dude!

I decided to keep it simple, this time, and not try to explain what I wanted done. I simply said: "I'd like a trim."

Suprisingly, she actually tried a bit of "conversation", this time around. It went pretty much like this:

Her: "You work this day?"

Me: (Thinking of the demo coming up in 2 hours.) "Oh, yeah."

Her: "So tired, huh?"

Me: "Umm...No, I'm going to work, now."

Her: "Uh. Work this day."

And that was it until the end, when she asked me: "How look?"

So, congratulations, once again, Suzy. You rock.

LADIES! You may want to skip this next part. This is stuff guys usually only find amusing.

In other news, on the ride up here, we were about 20 minutes away from the hotel when TJ announced that he had to shit immediately. We pulled over at the first gas station in the middle of nowhere, but it was closed. So the guy takes a crap behind the dumpster. Needless to say, Tommy and I were close to tears from laughing all the way to the station and during his answer to nature's call. Then he informs us that he was unable to finish the job, due to his precarious position and we laughed some more at his story of how he tried to avoid shitting on himself. Finally, when we got to the hotel, Tommy began farting all over the place. I was arranging my things and had to run to the bathroom. Why? Because I nearly vomited from the stench. So, good times were had by all.

LADIES! All done. Thanks for being patient.

Well, that's about it. Later.

Nix says: Yes, small child. That would be my foot that you are standing on. I use it to walk with. And to kick small children across the room. Please move.


Blogger Quilled One said...

Has anyone seen the movies "Fatal Attraction" and "The Crush"?

1:06 PM  
Blogger Quilled One said...


Regardless of your bizarre and disturbing FANTASY about homosexual activity involving me...'s still Fatal Attraction-ish.

Quill Says: It's all true, Bert. :)

6:07 AM  

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