Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Gotta pump the site.

My contributions have been erratic, but I do what I can.

I don't know what to say. I'm drowning in something. I can't really say it's depression, although it feels similar.

Sales are shit. Show-up is shit. Quality is shit. My life is shit.

I guess it is depression. I'm lonely.

Mikki finally replied and is willing to try to meet for a discussion. I don't even care, anymore. What am I supposed to get? Reasons I fucking suck? Reasons I'm a terrible prospect for a mate. Do I NEED to hear that?

I don't fucking know.

Need to put my head back together. Work is supposed to do that for me. It's not happening. I feel everything flying out of my control. Entropy is back.

Need to talk to Wolf.

So many things. I talked about suicide, tonight. And I meant it as a sarcastic statement, but it sounded very nice. Why not just stop all this insanity and fucking go to sleep?

I know. People will be all upset (for a month or so), but I'm getting tired. My head and my heart hurts. I'm getting close to being done. I don't see why this is worth it.

All of this is just a quest for money. And I don't give a fuck about money, except to exist. And if I have to live my life for money, I'd rather not live, thank you.


Everything I think I need, I cannot have.

Thank you, whoever you are. Thanks for tearing my life apart over and over and fucking over. I guess I deserved it, or whatever. Need to learn my lesson. Thanks for taking my dad. Thanks for making me crazy. Thank you for having Nat cheat on me with my best friend. Thanks for letting me fuck Mikki over. Thanks for everything. Thank you for this stupid fucked up shit-fest of a life you've given me.

Nix says: Fuck off


Blogger DelorumRex said...

Dude.. when you think suicide.. don;t kill your body.. kill your life.. afterall isn't it your life you hate.. what did your body ever do to you.. well that it hasn't also done to a sheep that is..
So how do you kill your life.. well you start by changing it.. every fucking little bit of it.. change it all .. get up grab your shit put your ass in hawk up to your ass, adn fly to amsterdam.. then stay there until they kick you the fuck out.. just fucking do it!
If you are unhappy you are waisting your life anyway.. so do somthing about it.. kill that bastard! Kill it fuckin dead! Make the Nix of old a fuckin memory.. fuck everyone and everything that made you miserable.. and go start over somewhere that it is legal to smoke dope and fuck hot bitches for money.. (50 Euro!!!) Fucking dinner with a cunt costs more than that, and in AMsterdam you don;;t have ot pretend your interesting in whatever shes thinking.. just drop the cash point at your dick and let her do the work!
Then you go get fucked up on the money you saved not brining some fucking cunt to dinner!
It perfect!
(I gotta go.. time to book some air fare!)

2:39 PM  
Blogger NixEclips said...

You, suprisingly, have some good points buried in your love for drugs and hookers.

8:04 PM  
Blogger DelorumRex said...

If it were not for drugs and hookers I woudl not be here today.. (no my mother is not a hooker, she was not smart enough to charge)
Well maybe not drugs.. but hookers.. yea hookers.. oh what am I saying, how could anybody type this poorly if they were not stonned or a seal boy?
(Wiat a minute I am a seal boy)
How could any seal boy get laid by a 10+ if not for hookers?!?! See my logic is inarguable!

Remember I am always right.. DeRex of the Fifth Order of Templar Knight.

PS. Dude it is time to have some fun.. how can we fuck with the world like we did on NixEclip(s) day? I wanna change the way the world looks at blogs.. how about a canibal cookbook? Porn has been done and redone and done some more,, but nobody ever does too much on canibalism.
Think about it.. and then fly your ass to someplace you ahve never been get drunk/high/laid (in any fucking order you choose) dude life is too short not to fuck with everybody at least once.

3:56 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

Perhaps you're only pointing that spotlight on what's wrong. You should point it to what's right.

I know you could probably count your true friends on one hand (can't we all?)...but even a count of a few shows worth.

You've had bad things; but not worth ending the journey of life, my friend. Mikki is now the one fucking up by not being with a good guy; you're past transgressions in that department are now taking a backseat to her stubborness to not talk and make things right. Stop blaming yourself; people will do enough of that for you, as well you know and have seen.

As I've told you before - your dad would be proud of the man you are, regardless of the demons in your head run rampant. You are a decent person, which is more than I can say for many I've met. You "get" it.

6:42 PM  

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