Sunday, April 16, 2006

Are You Sure?

Wait, wait, wait. This can't be right. Did I just get my first fan letter?

Some chick just wrote me about a Deaditorial I wrote on

Brief excerpts: "Loved your rant on the possibility of your den freaking out a hypothetical female" and "SO... your den would be more likely to put me in the mood than make me run screaming!" and "Take care and thanks for all the great laughs and entertainment"

Can you believe that shit?

Thanks, Nicole. Whoever the hell you are. You made my day and I still think I hallucinated it.

In other news: Looks like I'm either gonna have to just stab myself or kill Mikki because she won't reply to email, anymore. Fuck that fucking bitch. A guy just wants some questions answered and he gets ignored. Fuck fuckity fuck. I shouldn't be suprised. She wants to come off all tough and shit but she's more of a "just take it and don't show emotion" kinda girl.

Look, I know it's fucking over. We shall never be. Fine. But can you just give me a fucking reason? Fuck you. *Nix tears out her throat and bounces about in her pooling blood*

And my other ongoing interest: Yes, I'm pulling the "You don't want me." shit, again. But I'm just trying to protect her. We've had this conversation over and over, but I just can't understand why someone would choose me. I'm sorry. Even I can't deal with me. So I can't see anyone else putting up with my shit.

But she's damn insistant that I'm worth it, or something.


*ahem* Scary Movie 4 was better than the first one. I hated the first one.

I go, now.

Nix says: "I want to be with you. I'm not there." Depeche Mode


Blogger DelorumRex said...

Nixwhen you ask a gorl why she will not be with you, and her answer is silence.. what you are realy being told by her is:
"I do not want to be with you, because I am a cunt."

and you can tell her I said so.

anyway, you got a fan letter.. I get fucking hate mail.. amazing how little humor some people have over Jesus shitting on Bush, or the Face of Mahammed being show in a cartoon.. bring on the fatwah and the instant access pass to hell.. GOD I HATE RELIGEON!
I shake my dick at all of you!
My God kicked your god's ass in grade school! Then y god took your god's lunch money, and gav ehim a fuckin swirly for desert.. my god damns more souls to eturnal damnation before noon than your god does all month! My god pulled your gods wifes panties down and fucker her while all his friends watched! (And she begged for them to join in!)
Seriously FUCK YOU!
(no not you nix, your god is pretty cool)

7:48 AM  
Blogger DelorumRex said...

ps happy easter biotches!

7:49 AM  
Blogger DelorumRex said...

PPS. my Friends the potatoebabies are doing a song, "Ode to Tammy (NYP)" just for me.. (self promoting worm that I am) and I thought I woudl share them with you.. I somehow think you would like these crazy fucks if you ever saw them.. go check them out.. Tammy Takes it Analy Peace,

11:43 AM  
Blogger DelorumRex said...

Dude. I got writers block!
Come help me with the continuing saga of "Duke Lacrosse. Private Eye"
I am such a WHORE!

10:14 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

You should attempt to get something going, at least a weekend or something, with your fan-mail female...

3:17 PM  

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