Monday, May 23, 2005

Where To Start?

I'm back from Oodah (Utah, folks.). Here's the most interesting part of that trip:

Tommy couldn't drive anymore on Sat night, so he pulled off in the middle of nowhere to sleep at a motel. It was pitch black. No light in the parking lot. The check-in office had stuffed animal heads mounted on the walls. This little shit-hole middle of nowhere place! A blood-red light illuminated the porch. It had many bull/cow whatever skulls. Some still seemed to have rotting flesh on them. There was a huge stack of antlers, as well. That's right. Tommy had checked us into the Bate's Motel. It was fucking creepy. And the soap was as big an Ande's mint.

I did many rewrites on the Loaf script. Making scenes more exciting/funny/entertaining and, most importantly, make more sense.

I also spent a lot of time doing producing chores. Making lists of everything we need to get started/done.

I actually got to go to the book store while in Oodah. Which is amazing, because asking Tommy to take you to the book store is like asking him to take you to the beer store. Anyway, I got a book on making a documentary and one called "Clearance and Copyright". I'm basically home-schooling myself.

About five minutes ago I finished reading the script for my "serious" project. Brian, my screenwriter, sent it via email. Now, you must understand that this is a very personal project that reflects many things from my past. So... There were some points where I was near tears. But, personal feelings aside, it's a well written work. He took all of my plot ideas and really made them work. I can't tell you how good this is. Holy shit.

So, the film projects are taking on a momentum that hopefully won't be stopped.

Nix says: "It's easy. You let go, and drive straight down the road." (final line of script)


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