Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Oh, Yeah! I DO Have A Blog!

If I was good at math, I would tell you how many days we have until TombofAnubis.com is back in action. As I suck at math, I will just say March 4th. Or 5th. Shit, I can't remember. All I know is:

I'm sitting down to re-watch Mark of the Devil and am having a hard time preparing myself for the task. I bought the fucker over a year ago and only watched it once. It's painful. Not in a bad way, like it sucks. Painful in that it is fucking brutal. And it's my first "official" review for the Tomb. We're having a roundtable where we all tackle a certain topic (Things that would piss off religious freaks). After this, I'm gonna re-do Evil Laugh. One of the absolute worst flicks ever made. (And then I can give it back to Quill, so I'm not embarassed if someone sees it in my den!)

And if you haven't yet tried the link, it's still got the memorial for Mitch Hedberg (a great comedian) and Bass Wolf (of Guitar Wolf, a great Japanese punk band) TombofAnubis.com Remember it, dammit!

Guess who the #1 rookie salesperon of the week is! Now guess who outsold Tommy this week! Yeah. It's me, bitches.

I suppose my little blog is going back to being "I did this or that, today", since I'm not gonna put my reviews up here, anymore. Kinda sad, as my life is incredibly boring.

Nix says: My sister is in town! Who's up for filming some Indian Leg-Wrestling!? (I'll operate the camera, thank you.)


Blogger DelorumRex said...

Nix, DOn;t BUllshit me.. Darkness Falls, actualy did some good for somone? (FOR YOU NO LESS?!?!?!)
WTF! I think this is a sign of the apocalyps.. Lets... see.. fourth seal.. horseman.. yada yada yada.. Darkness Falls did a good thing.. pit of fire.. etc, etc..
Yep.. we're fucked.

Question: Sister + Indian Leg Wrestling?
Is that southern code for getting nekkid with yer' kin?

DeRex says: Dude she's your sister!?!?!

3:59 AM  
Blogger NixEclips said...

Eww! You sick fuck! I can't really explain it, but it is not sexual, at all. Although I know my friends really enjoyed it.

And yeah, DF did some good. And bad. The director is now slated to direct the new Friday the 13th flick. WTF?

8:18 AM  
Blogger nut job said...

from this post, Tombofanubis.com will be up in 11 or 12 days, depending on if it's the 4th or the 5th.

I'm glad to hear that your financial issues are slowly comming under control. Being a top sales person gots have helped with that, and we are getting into wedding season. :-) Just keep your chin up and you know if you ever need to talk i'm a phone call away.

5:48 AM  
Blogger DelorumRex said...

Well in my best estimation there has not been a decent F13 movie since Jamie Lee Curtis looked good.

SO who cares if they will burry the F13 movies, and finaly do what no ax, gun, bomb, or case of gonorreha could do.. (kill Jayson)

It seems to me, that the better reviews are ones that trash the movie anyway.. so perhpas your venom for the DF director will pay off in dividends.. worst thing that could happen.. it coud be a good movie.. and you will have little to write about.. look at the brite side.

As I have resently heard , "when life hands you lemmons.. make lemmonade.. then look for somone who life is handing vodka and have a party."

I could never take the evil out of your name.. so no sweat brother..

as long as we're on the subject:
Q: What is the southern definitian of Relative Humidity?

A: that's the sweat that builds up on your balls when your banging you sister.

6:56 AM  
Blogger DelorumRex said...

DUDE! You gotta get in on the Tammy NYP technorati thing! I have had nearly 900 hits today on the first two posts I tagged with Tammy NYU Tammy NYP Tammy and NYU NYP.. you wanna do a little self promotion tag a few now!

Of couse we will all thnk of you as a click whore,, but most of us think worse things about you already.

1:07 PM  
Blogger DelorumRex said...

NIx, you skank ho.. I am getting a few thousand hits a day.. not that they are worth a shit.. but write a littel review of this cute littel TombofAnnubis website, that thinks you have a brain in your head.. and I will help you shamlessly promote it..

And I won't even say anythin too smartassed about it when I post your litle ditty..
(I am thinking opening date, theme of site.. link, shit like that)

12:12 PM  

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