Thursday, June 29, 2006


First, I'd like to congratulatamate Spawn for being one of the winners of free shit from the TombOfAnubis giveaway. Look for more of those in the future.

Second, I'd like to congratulatyate myself for having a great time at the Pantera boys strip club, The Clubhouse. Yay, me.

Next, I'd like to congratimatiate myself for FINALLY finding Cemetery Man (Dellamorte Dellamore) for purchase. Hooray me! (Thanks for the heads up, Spawn!)

I also picked up Plan 9 From Outer Space. It's restored in both colorized and the original B&W. But the main reason to own is this: Mike Nelson does commentary throughout (if you want him to). He did this for Night of the Living Dead and it was hilarious. Same here. If you miss Mystery Science Theater 3000, this is the closest you'll come to new shit. He also did Reefer Madness, I believe, so he's been a busy guy with his books and movies and all. Pick one or all of these up. You'll laugh, you'll........Laugh.

I don't know what's going on with Last I heard was family tragedy or crisis, or something. We'll be back. I've still got lots of hatred to throw at shitty movies.

Nix says: I still think Dellamorte Dellamore is a better title.


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