Another Chance For Free Movies
Tomorrow is 6/6/6 and has some special-ness planned. And free movies, if you're into that sort of thing. So JOIN US for Lucifer's Holliday and revel in blasphemy!
Other than that:
Congrats to NutJob on her new 1 foot monkey!!
Piss on those that can't be trusted!
And fuck all your mothers!
Nix says: Well, that was pointless.
Other than that:
Congrats to NutJob on her new 1 foot monkey!!
Piss on those that can't be trusted!
And fuck all your mothers!
Nix says: Well, that was pointless.
Nix you sick twisted freak!
How the fuck you been?
Nevermind, I can see from your latests postings that you are still as fucking crazy as ever.. hell you probobly don;t even know where you been much less how you been or how you got there..
Anyway, you wouldn't wanna fuck my mom.. gotta poonanner like an open window..
in fact the last time I had her, I was thinking that it was a lot like dipping one's veg and two fruit into a 5 gallon bucket of warm water.
My sister on the other hand.. now there's a fine PoA!
Come fuck my sister, she's better than Tammy NYP you sick freak.
Hey here that shit about the stolen sidekick.. we need to steal your virginity and post a blog!
FUCK ME look at the hits!
spam below
Hey, I have more info and a funny video on the stolen sidekick.. come check it out.
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