Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Little Slice of Death

So, I guess I haven't gotten into my whole film thing, yet.
I spent about 2-3 months working out a plot, scenes, characters, FX and stuff. I found a guy who writes and gave it all to him. I've seen about 3 pages which look great and I'm just waiting to see the completed product.
I took a year of film way back in the day. I created two short films which actually play more like music videos. "I was a Teenage Vending Machine" and "Seasons Eatings".
Teen is about a guy who, well, turns into a vending machine. There's other stuff going on underneath, but it's for the viewer to figure out.
Eatings is about an x-mas tree that attacks a guy. Again, there's alot more to it but you gotta work it out yourself.
I started a longer project with dialogue but it was never completed. I used to shoot on Super-8 film, so I had some footage that was not edited. I found a song that worked perfectly with these unconnected scenes and..tadaaaa...another freakin' video.
Before my most recent project, I spent many months working on a story that would primarily take place at the Glass Factory in Valley Park. It was a beautiful abandoned factory from the 1800's I think. The woods had grown around it and it was nothing but stone ruins. Unfortunately, by the time I was ready to move forward some sick perverted fuck raped and killed a young girl there. So the Army Corps Engineers or whatever tore it the fuck down. All that work for nothing. But it is still possible to do it. Or I could use the test footage I shot down there in another flick. Who knows.
So, that's my deal. I wanna entertain.

Nix says: I didn't do it. Don't look at me.


Blogger Quilled One said...

LOL @ christmas tree that eats a guy...

LOL @ guy who turns into a vending machine...

That's classic stuff, there, T-Bob...love it!!!

2:21 PM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

T-Bob...you are now linked on my blog.

8:00 AM  

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